Chapter 23 - The Question

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It was now getting late in the day and all Hiccup and Astrid wanted to do, was sleep. After they put the baby down in her crib they snuggled close up to each other in bed.

"Saige." Astrid said.

"Saige?" Hiccup asked confused.

"For our daughters middle name."

"I love it. But where did you come up with it?" He asked turning to face her.

"Well the herbs your mom gave us we're called Sage, and I thought that Sage gave us our daughter so why not name her Saige." Astrid said with a smile. " But just spell it differently."

"Alright. Gyda Saige Haddock." Hiccup said just before kissing his wife on the lips.

"I think we should call her Saige though. I do love the name Gyda, but I find that a bunch of people will pronounce it wrong. So we can call her Saige, but her first name is Gyda. Do you think that's okay?" Astrid asked hoping it was.

"Yes that is perfectly fine." Hiccup then kissed his wife again, then rolled over and they both fell asleep.


It was now 1:00 am and little Saige was crying her eyes out.

"Hiccup, can you please get the diaper ready while I feed her." Astrid asked between yawns and getting up from the bed.

"Yeah." Hiccup responded all tired.

After about 10 mins of changing the baby and feeding her, Astrid and Hiccup both finally got to go back to bed.

It was now 4:00 am and little Saige was crying her eyes out again.

"Hiccup." Astrid said nudging him to wake up.

"Yeah I'm awake. What is it?" He asked rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"Can you get the diaper again please while I feed her?"

"Yes." He said getting up from the bed to get everything ready.

After about ten minutes. The two new parents went back to bed.


The sun was just starting to come up, when baby Saige started crying again.
Hiccup was already starting to awake because it is almost time for him to get up and run the village.

"Astrid, mi'lady. Can you feed the baby while I get her diaper." Hiccup said in a whisper and nudging his wife to wake up.

"Mmmm, I'll be right there." Astrid said getting up from the bed.

After Hiccup got the diaper ready, he picked up Saige, kissed her in the head and passed her to Astrid so she can feed her. Hiccup then headed downstairs to feed the dragons and start breakfast.

"Alright Saige is fed-" Astrid was saying while walking downstairs with Saige in her hands.

"And the dragons are fed. So now it is time for us to eat." Hiccup said cutting her off and placing two plates full of food on the table. After they finished eating they brought their plates to the kitchen to clean.

"Hiccup what are we doing today?" Astrid asked.

"Well, I was thinking about what you said about Saige last night, so I was planing to go talk to Gobber today right after I finish cleaning up. It will only take and hour or so. So I shouldn't be long." He stated.

"Well if you are going, do you want to take Saige with you?" She said while repositioning Saige in her arms.

"I guess I can take my beautiful little baby girl with me." Hiccup said with a baby voice and playing with Saige's feet. At that sight, Astrid gave a smile of happiness.

"Alright all cleaned." Hiccup said after he finished cleaning up." I can take you." Hiccup said taking Saige out of Astrid's arms. He then kissed Astrid on the lips." I love you. I'll be back soon." He said just before leaving the house.


Once Hiccup was walking towards the Forge a lot of people came up to him.
'Hiccup is that the new baby. How is Astrid doing. What it's name. Is it a boy or girl.' Was all the questions he got. Hiccup was getting really annoyed with all the questions, so he just said that Astrid and him will have a meeting the day after tomorrow at the Mead Hall to tell everyone everything. Then everyone said their goodbyes and left him alone. After about 3 more minutes of walking Hiccup finally reached the Forge.

"Gobber! Gobber are you in here." Hiccup yelled, as he entered the Forge.

"Hiccup is that you?" Gobber called out from the back room. Then after about 30 seconds, Gobber came over to the front. "AAAA Hiccup it is you. And I see that you are a father now." Gobber said as he walked closer.

"Hi Gobber, how are you?" Hiccup responded.

"I am excellent! Now who is this little guy." He said walking up to Hiccup and the baby.

"Well her name is Gyda. But me and Astrid are planing to call her Saige because it is much better to pronounce."

"So he is going to have two names?" Gobber asked confused.

"No. Her full name is Gyda Saige Haddock. But we will call her by her middle name. And stop saying he, it's a girl Gobber." Hiccup said with a little frustration in his voice.

"Well I can see why you are calling her Saige. It is much better to pronounce. Gayda is way to hard." He said switching his left hand for a brush.

"It's pronounced Geda, but spelt with a Y instead of an E." Hiccup explained.

"Well anyways, what did you come here for?" Gobber asked brushing his mustache and eyebrows.

"Well I came to ask you about chief heir's. I have never heard of a Chieftess being in charge before, unless the chief put her in charge while he left to go somewhere. So when it is time for me to pass down being chief, can I pass it to Saige or will I have to have a son?" Hiccup asked.

"Well Hiccup, I have no idea. Maybe if you go look for a book in the Mead Hall, it might tell you something."

"Oh. Well thank you Gobber for your help, I appreciate it." Hiccup said as he was leaving to go back home.

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