Chapter 5 - The News

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"Okay Astrid we are all done" Valka said as she finished the check up. Valka had to give the couple the news but she didn't know how to tell them. She thought she would wait for them to ask.

"So ....?" Astrid asked.

"Hiccup, Astrid, I am sorry to say but you are not pregnant. I know it's hard dear but I brought you something that might help with that." Valka said to the couple. As she saw the look on Astrid's face she felt horrible inside. All this poor girl wanted was to become Pregnant.

After Astrid let he legs down and put her pants on she walked downstairs with a frown on her face.

"What am I going to do mom? What if she never has a child? She will be devastated!" Hiccup said as he was walking back and forth in the room. Hiccups mother was cleaning up the room from the check up. "I don't know Hiccup you could try with other people if you really want to have a child." Valka said as she was starting to make the bed. "I would never do that! I couldn't! I would feel so hurt to myself and to Astrid. And I feel like she would feel the same way."

"Well son then let's just hope these herbs work." Valka said as she finished making the bed and was on her way downstairs.

"Astrid dear, I'm am sorry but I have to leave now I hope you have a nice day. Take care of yourself dear and stay out of trouble please ." Valka said as she left the house. Astrid just sat on the couch and watched the fire burn. Moments later Hiccup came downstairs with the herbs and some pieces of paper.

"Would you like some tea Astrid?" Hiccup asked hoping it would make her feel a bit better.

"Sure" Was all Astrid said in a low voice.

A couple of minutes later hiccup came over with 2 cups of tea. He handed one to Astrid and kept the other. " This taste different what did you do to it?" Astrid asked after taking another sip of her tea.

"Well remember when my mom said that she brought something that might help you get pregnant?"
"Well she brought these herbs that might help. And told me that we both need to drink it twice a day because we don't know who is the one who isn't working properly."
"So how long do we drink it for?"
"I guess until you are with child."
" I guess so."

As Astrid and Hiccup drank their teas by the fire they snuggled into each other. Astrid then remembered something that Hiccup was going to give her.

"Hmmm?" Hiccup said not moving a muscle.
"What were you going to give me before Valka came over?"
"Oh yeah! Wait right here I will be back." Hiccup said getting off the couch and making his way into the kitchen to grab the pieces of paper where he left them.

"Okay here you go." Hiccup said as he sat back down on the couch handing Astrid the pieces of paper. As Astrid was looking at the papers she had tears in her eyes from all the beauty Hiccup has drawn. She saw her and Hiccup on their wedding day, the first time where Astrid rid toothless, and their first time playing with toothless and stormfly at the cove.

" Oh Hiccup I love them! Thank you."Astrid said while hugging Hiccup. It didn't long for her husband to hug her back. Next thing she new, Hiccup was laying on top of her on the couch kissing her.

After that it didn't long for the couple to walk upstairs to their bedroom and finish what they were doing on the couch.

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