Chapter 15 - I'm Sick

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It has now been four months since Ruffnut and Snotlout found out that they are going to have a child. Ruff was now starting to show. She wasn't big but there was a bump. Hiccup and Astrid starting try again, but for about three months they forgot to use the sage herbs. Then Valka reminded them to use them just at the end of the third month. It was now the afternoon on the fourth month of Ruffnut's pregnancy, when Astrid and Ruff were visiting Gothi for a check up for Ruffnut's baby.
Normally Snotlout would go with Ruff but he couldn't because he was sick and couldn't leave the house.

"Thank you for coming with me today. Snolout can't stay away from the bathroom for about 5 minutes." Ruffnut said as she and Astrid made their way to Gothi's house.

"It's okay Ruff. It just shows me what I will have to prepare for when me and Hiccup become parents."

"Speaking of becoming parents. Are you guys planning to have children again? Cause like Hiccup will have to have a child soon. No?" Ruff asked in a kind voice. Ever since Ruffnut has become pregnant she has been on the sweet, caring, and lovey side.

"Yes we are planning to have a child. And yes Hiccup will need to have a child soon. It's just we have been trying for four months now and nothing."

"Well let's just hope." After Ruffnut finished talking, they arrived at Gothi's house. They went inside and Ruff laid down on the bed, and pulled her shirt up so that her stomach was showing. Gothi came over to Ruff and put her hands on her stomach and moved them around feeling the baby. Once she was done she wrote something down, so Astrid could read it.

"She says the baby is doing just fine." Astrid said looking up to Ruffnut.

"That's great!" Ruff then put her hands on her stomach and said." I'm glad you are doing happy my little baby. Mommy and Daddy loves you very much."

Astrid then just starts to laugh quietly. "Pregnancy has really made you soft,

Ruffnut just looks up at Astrid." No it hasn't. It just made me open my eyes to what love really is."

"Right." Is all that Astrid.


Once Astrid walked Ruffnut home she decided to go check up on Hiccup. She knew that he was going to be in the Forge because that's what he told her this morning. But when she got there he wasn't there.

"Gobber, where is Hiccup?" Astrid asked Gobber while walking up to him.

"Nice to see you to Astrid. I'm doing fine thanks." Gobber said to himself as she was waiting for him to answer her question. " Well he was here earlier today but he said he wanted to go on a flight to explore new land."

"Okay. Did he says what time he would be back?"

"Ugh I believe he said just before sunset. Which that is now, so he should be back any minute." Gobber said brushing his beard and eye brows.

"Alright Gobber thank you very much I'll see you later." Astrid said while waving goodbye.

"Bye Astrid!" Gobber yelled.

When Astrid was walking home she bumped into Eret."Oh hey, sorry Eret I guess I didn't see you there." Astrid said putting her bangs behind her ears.

"No no it's my fault. I was pay attention to something and I didn't see you." he said putting his hand on her back, guiding her towards her house. When he did that Astrid flinched." Hey are you okay you look a little sick or something." Eret asked.

"What no I feel fine, just tired." Astrid said while feeling uncomfortable with having Erets hand still on her back.

"Okay, well if you need anything you can just ask me." Eret said taking his hand off of Astrid's back and stopping at the front door of her and Hiccups house.

"Well thank you Eret for walking me home and offering me your help."

"Anytime." After that Eret left and Astrid walked inside.


Once Hiccup got home from his flight, the sun was completely gone and the stars were just coming out. When he walked inside he fed the dragons and walked upstairs to find Astrid.

"Astrid! Astrid where are you?" He yelled trying to find Astrid.

"Why is it every time I'm in the washroom you have no idea where I am?" Astrid said opening the door to the washroom and walking out to the bedroom.

"I don't really know. I'm sorry I'm late but I fed the dragons and.......and what is on the side if you mouth?" Hiccup said as he noticed this greenish yellowish stuff on the side of Astrid's mouth.

"What!" She quickly ran into the bathroom to looked in the mirror. Once she noticed it, she quickly washed it off with some water and face soap.

"Well what was it?" Hiccup said as he walked to the door frame and leaned against it.

"Well I threw up and .....yeah."

"You puked. Are you okay? What did you eat? How long have you been feeling like this?" He said walking up to his wife and putting the back of his hand to her forehead.

She pushed his hand off of her and walked out of the bathroom to the bedroom. As she did that Hiccup followed.

"I'm fine Hiccup. It's probably what Snotlout has. And I guess it started when Eret dropped me off. He said I looked sick too but-"

"Eret dropped you off today? Hiccup asked with an uneasy tone in his voice.

"Yes he did. He was being nice." She said.

"Yeah I get that he was being nice but why was he walking you home, he is suppose to be on the ships to catch fish. I made him in charge of the fishing so I don't have so worry about it." Hiccup retorted.

"Well maybe he finished early."

"No he always comes to me after he is done. Why was he walking you home?" Hiccup asked himself out loud.

"Well like I said he was being nice. That's all I got. Why do you care so much?"

"Because nobody just walks someone home to be nice. There is always a reason." He said.

"Are you?.......are you jealous?" She asked with a curious face.

"No I'm not jealous I am just wondering why he was walking you home. He's not your husband and he-"

"No Hiccup he is not my husband. You are, so stop worrying and let's go get something to eat."

"Okay let's go. But I'm not jealous." he said starting to walk downstairs.

"Of courses not." Astrid said with a smile on her face, walking downstairs.

Once they ate dinner, changed and were in bed Astrid started to feel sick again. She got up and quickly ran to the washroom. Hiccup got up and followed his wife. As she was throwing up, Hiccup was holding her hair back. Once she was done she brushed her teeth and her and Hiccup made their way back to bed to cuddle.

"Alright we are taking you to Gothi tomorrow, because I can't stand seeing you sick." Hiccup said as he squeezed her just a bit.

"Okay." After that, the two of them fell asleep in each other's arms.

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