Chapter 17 - 4 Months

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It has now been four months since Astrid and Hiccup found out that they are going to be parents. Astrid is now showing her baby bump a little more and if you saw her, you would think she is pregnant not fat. Today was the day where Valka was coming home from her four months trip to explore new dragons and island. Since Hiccup became chief he doesn't really have much time to go exploring now, so he passed it to his mother. He thought she would be a great candidate for this project because she already knows so much about dragons and other islands. But before Valka left Hiccup and Astrid didn't know that they were going to be parents, so today was also the day where Hiccup and Astrid tell Valka that she is going to be a Grandma.

It was early in the morning when Astrid and Hiccup were just laying in bed cuddling each other and talking when, Astrid felt it. She didn't know what it was but she didn't think it was good.

Astrid quickly got out of Hiccups arms, jumped out of bed and just stood right beside the bed with her hands up in the air, not moving." Hiccup, I think something's wrong."

Hiccup sat up in the bed and just looked at Astrid with a concerned face. "What. What happened?"

"The baby. Something's wrong. I just felt like a flutter or something in my stomach...... I'm scared Hiccup."

"I think we should get Ruff over here. She is now eight months pregnant, she should know." Hiccup suggested whiling getting out of bed and heading over to his wife.

"Yeah I guess that's a good idea."Astrid stayed quiet for a couple of seconds. "Hiccup what if I lost the baby again. On the day your mom is coming home. I can't-"

But before Astrid could finish her sentence, Hiccup cut her off by wrapping his arms around her so they were now hugging."Astrid please don't say that. Everything is going to be fine." He then dropped the hug, locked hands with her and kissed her on the lips passionately. "How about you stay here, and I'll go get Ruffnut to see if she knows what's going on. And if she doesn't then I'll go get Gothi. And" He took a pause and a breath. "If that doesn't work, then I'll go to every mother in the village. Does that sound good." He looked into her eyes.

"That sounds perfect. Thank you."

"Alright I'll be back in about five minutes. You go lay down or something . I love you!" Hiccup said as he walked downstairs to the door.

"I love you too!" Astrid shouted back. Once he was gone she then followed her husband's rules, and went over to the bed and laid down.


By the time Hiccup got back Astrid was downstairs panicking. She was walking back and forth with her hands up again away from her stomach. She was all hot and sweaty because she was freaking out to much.

"Astrid I'm ho-" Hiccup was saying when he walked in the door with Ruffnut. He stopped what he was saying because he saw Astrid panicking. "Astrid please. You know worrying like this is not good for the baby in anyway." Hiccup said as he walked over to her and placed her on the couch. After that, he sat beside her.

"Alright what is it that you need my help?" Ruffnut asked while walking over to the couch.

"Well this morning while me and Hiccup were talking in bed, I felt this flutter in my stomach, and when Hiccup left to get you, I felt it a couple more times. It is making me scared. I don't know what's going on." Astrid stated.

"May I feel?" Ruffnut asked, reaching out her hands to put on Astrid's stomach. Astrid just nodded. At that moment, the flutter came back and Astrid's face just went back to a worried ness. Once Ruff felt the flutter on her hands she smiled.

"Oh honey that's not bad. That's not bad at all." Ruffnut said removing her hands.

"It's not?" Astrid asked.

"No. It's just your baby kicking." Ruff explained." Here." She said talking one of Hiccup's and Astid's hands and putting them on top of Astrid's baby bump. After a couple of seconds the baby kicked again. At that moment Astrid and Hiccup's face lit up like a Christmas tree of lights.

"Thank you Ruff for coming all the way here. We really appreciate it." Hiccup said, helping Ruffnut get up from the couch.

"Well thank you for helping me get up. Being pregnant at eight months is hard. You don't really fit into your clothes, you can't really get up, I have to pee like every ten minutes, and I can barely walk." She said while wobbling to the door. "I'll let you guys have your little time now, I'll see you guys later. Bye." Ruffnut said waving goodbye and leaving to go home.

Then when Ruffnut left Hiccup walked over to the couch and sat down. He then placed his hands on Astrid's baby bump to feel his unborn child kick again. After about 30 minutes of feeling the baby move and kick, there was a knock at the door.

"I'll get it." Hiccup said getting up. He then opened the door to find his mother waiting. "Mom your back." he said opening his arms to give her a hug.

"Yes I am." Valka said hugging him

"Well come on in. Me and Astrid have some news to tell you." Hiccup said, putting his arm out to lead his mother inside.

Valka walked inside and saw Astrid sitting on the couch with her hands on her small baby bump. Once Valka realized that Astrid was feeling her baby, she burst into a smile and tears.
"Your going to have a baby!" She said all excited.

"Yes we are." Hiccup said as he walked over to help Astrid off the couch.

"This must have happened right after I left because you are big for a month, my dear."

"Yes. I am about 4 months along." Astrid replied.

"Well come over here and give your mother-in-law a hug." Valka said while opening her arms for Astrid.

After about two hours of catching up with Valka, Astrid started to get tired. So she went upstairs for a nap. It was now just Valka and Hiccup. They were at the kitchen table with some tea.

"Well it looks like pregnancy has gotten to Astrid." Valka said as she played with her cup in her hand.

"What do you mean?" Hiccup asked.

"Well look. When does Astrid ever go for naps? You didn't just think it was a new thing she was doing, did you?"

"Ugh..... well-"

Valka cut Hiccup off. "Really Hiccup, when has Astrid become soft? This is all the baby. It changes her moods and all that."

"What do you mean mom?"

"Well have you ever noticed that one minute she could be really angry, and then the next she would be crying."


"See that's all the baby. So if she gets mad at you just know that it doesn't really mean much." Valka said with a chuckle at the end." Alright well I think it is about time for me to get going now. I will see you later. Congratulations son." Valka said getting up and leaving.

Once Valka was gone Hiccup cleaned up the downstairs, and went up stairs to go see his wife.

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