Chapter 3 - The Next Day

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Hiccup slowly woke up from his sleep, but he kept his eyes shut. He felt the presence of Astrid watching him sleep. He quickly remembered the day of yesterday. The ' I love you's' and the kisses.

"Your staring." Hiccup said into his pillow.

"Yes, but I like to." Astrid said softly.

"It's creepy." Hiccup said as a moan.

"No it's not. It brings me happiness."


"Because it let's me know that you are mine, and mine forever. And I'm the only one who can watch you sleep." Astrid said as she put her arms around Hiccup.

Hiccup now opened his eyes and moved more towards Astrid as he put his arms around her now. " Good morning Mrs. Haddock ."

"Good morning chief." Astrid said with a smirk on her face.

"Ugh..... You know you don't have to call me that. And I don't really like being called that. It reminds me of my father. He was the chief, not me." Hiccup said as he moved to lay on his back, while pulling Astrid's head up to his chest, so she can lean on him.

"I know. But your father was the chief of Berk. Now you are . And nothing can change that." She said as she started to get up. But after a few seconds of her getting up she felt strong arms wrap around her mid section and pull her back onto the bed. "And where do you think your going mi'lady?"

"To get ready for the day. It's already 9 O'clock. You should get up too." Astrid said trying to get out of hiccups arms, but every time she tried to get out, he just squeezed tighter. Astrid couldn't remember when Hiccup became strong. She had just always thought he was just the same scrawny boy he was 6 years ago. But since last night, she now sees him as a strong young man that has done his people well.

"Ugh do we have to? I mean we have all day. Can't we just stay in bed for 5 more minutes? pleeeeeease!" He said said with a puppy dog face, looking at Astrid.

"Fine! But if someone asks us why we are still in bed, I'm blaming you." Astrid said as she stopped trying to get up. She just nestled her head into Hiccups shoulder and started to trace shapes on his chest.

"That's okay with me." Hiccup said with a smirk on his face as he wrapped an arm around Astrid's mid section.

After 5 minutes went by, the 2 got up and got dressed in their usual outfits. They went downstairs ate breakfast and fed the dragons. By the time they finished feeding themselves and the dragons it was about 10 O'clock.

"Should we go for a flight mi'lady?"Hiccup asked Astrid, hoping she would say yes.

"I think we shall. We should pack a lunch so we can have a picnic."

"Sounds like a good idea to me. I'll get the dragons saddled can you pack the picnic please?"

"Sure." Astrid said as she headed inside to pack the lunch.

Once they finished packing and saddling, it was about 10:15. They got on their dragons and headed off.

Once they got back from their flight it was now 4:30 pm. They got off their dragons,untacked them, fed them and head inside to start dinner. But as they entered their house everyone was insides and yelled "surprise!" Fishlegs, Snotlout, Ruffnut, Tuffnut, Eret and Valka. They were all standing around the kitchen table, which was covered with food and they all were holding a present.

"Happy first day!" Fishlegs said as he handed Hiccup his present.

Once the party was over and everyone left it was now 9:30 and Hiccup and Astrid were exhausted from the day. Once they finished cleaning up they headed upstairs to bed.

"Well today we great." Hiccup said as he got undressed and jumped into bed.

"Yes I think so too." Astrid said as she was taking out her hair. Once she finished with her hair she too got undressed and jumped into bed.

She and Hiccup snuggled into each other when Astrid came to bed. Both Hiccup and Astrid fell asleep as their heads hit the pillows.

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