Chatper 28 - Rude Awakening

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It was 12:00 o'clock in the afternoon when it all happened. The whole village was shocked, sad, and speechless, all summed up into one.

Hiccup was on the hill on his knees, crying. He had just witnessed the most depressing, excruciating pain in his life. His wife and daughter were lying in front of him............dead.

"Hiccup?" A voice called behind him.

"Go away Gobber." Then man who was crying said.

"I can't. You are my chief. I need to know what we are suppose to do now."

"I can't tell you what to do. I make the wrong decision...... clearly I make the wrong decisions" Hiccup said the last part with anger." My beautiful wife and daughter are dead! I can't lead this village anymore if I can't protect the ones I love!" He yelled with furry.

When the young man on his knees started to yell, Gobber started to flinch at the noise. Gobber prayed for he chief not to do something reckless and stupid he would regret." Hiccup please calm down. I know you are upset but that won't help the village. We need you."

"You need me?" Hiccup said turning his head to face the man.""he said getting up from his knees." Yeah well guess what! I need my wife and daughter but you don't see them here with me do you!" After the young man yelled he stormed off leaving Gobber on the hill by himself.


As Hiccup was storming off home he saw the whole village. Houses weren't even houses anymore, they were all wrecked and demolished. Families were trying to rebuild what they had.

As he entered his house he saw his mother. She was sitting at the fire getting warm."Hiccup! Oh my gosh I thought you were dead!" She cried with joy, getting up from her knees to hug her son.

"Yeah well I wish I was." he snapped back before Valka could hug him.

When Valka heard those words she stopped walking towards him and put her arms down, that was for a hug. "Hiccup don't talk like that. Now we're is my little Saige and her mother. Why aren't they with you?" She asked with a puzzled look.

Before Hiccup responded to his mother he looked down to his feet."They are dead." The young man spoke so cold.

At those words Valka had tears in her eyes."Wh..... what happened?"

"What do you think!" He spat out the words." Drago Jr. Thought it would be best to capture my family in the night while I was at the forge working. When I got home they were gone. I found a note on the bed and it said to meet me at the hill. When I got there Astrid and Saige were tied up." Hiccup walked over to the fire and sat down in his chair with his head in his hands.

The young man looked down at the ground and spoke, "I tried to stop him mom, but I was to late. After what he did to my family I destroyed him, in all the possible ways a person can."

The woman was shocked when she heard the last words that her son spoke."Hiccup, I know what that man did was wrong." she spoke softly and walked over to her son and put a hand on his shoulder." But that was not the way of taking care of a criminal. You were suppose to hold a meeting and-"

"-And let the village decide on what to do with him, I know mom." He shook her hand off his shoulder."It's just I couldn't let him live after what he did."

"Hiccup I know what you did was for love but-" Valka was cut off from her falling on the floor and putting her hand on her heart.



Hiccup woke up from his sleep with his heart beating so fast it hurt, sweat coming down his face, and his breathing was uncontrollable. He sat straight up in his bed looking around the room. He turned to his beautiful wife and noticed that he didn't wake her.

He got out of bed and walked down the hallway to his daughters room. He opened the door so his head could just peer in. When he popped his head inside he saw his precious little daughter sleeping in her crib peacefully.

He made his way back to his bedroom and crawled in bed with his wife.

"Hiccup is everything okay?" Astrid asked quietly.

"Did I wake you?"

"No..... are you going to answer my question?"

There was a long pause before he spoke." I had another dream."

"Oh.......... I think you should talk to someone. Not me because I am you wife, someone close to you just not family."

"So someone like Gobber?"

"I think he would be the perfect person to talk to, just wait till tomorrow. Now let's gets some more sleep. I love you."

"Alright. I love you too."He kissed his wife on the lips and shut his eyes and drifter off to sleep.

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