Chapter 19 - 8 Months

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It was now 8 months of Astrid being pregnant. It has also been 3 months since Ruffnut and Snotlout had baby Snotnut. The sun just popped through Toothless's hole in the roof, when Astrid woke up because the baby kicked her really hard. She sat up in the bed putting her hands on her stomach to calm the baby down. She always tried to calm the baby down before she got Hiccup, but it never worked. Only Hiccup could ever get it to calm down. But at this time right now she didn't want to get him because he was sleeping, and she doesn't want to wake him up. But with her luck she would never get the baby to calm down, so she poked Hiccup in the arm.

"Hiccup?.......Hiccup please wake up." she asked quietly.

Then Hiccup opened his eyes. " Astrid what's wrong? What time is it?"

"It's morning, and I'm fine. I just need you to do me a favour." she asked.

Hiccup then sat up in bed and started to rub his eyes to get the sleep out. "What is it?"

"I need you to calm the baby down. I tried, but it doesn't want to listen to me." she said in a depressed voice.

"Hey once it is born it will listen to you all the time. And let's see what I can do." he said with a smile.

He placed his hands on her stomach and started to talk to their baby. After the baby heard Hiccup's voice it started to kick harder.

"Hiccup it is starting to hurt me now when it kicks like that." She said with pain in her voice.

Hiccup started to talk to the baby again and rubbed his hands on Astrid stomach. After he did that the baby started to calm down.

"Thank you." Astrid said relieved.

"Your welcome." Hiccup said after. Then he leaned over and kissed her on the lips passionately. Then went to her stomach and kissed it." Don't worry I didn't forget about you." he said to the baby.

At that, a smile went upon Astrid's face. She then got out of bed and got dressed.

"I'll go make some breakfast." she said heading her way to the stairs.

"Alright, I'm going to go take a bath." Hiccup said going into the bathroom.

Once Astrid got downstairs she saw Toothless and Stormfly laying near what was left of a fire. She then placed some logs on top. When she started to walk away Toothless started to follow her.

"Oh sorry bud. Here let me get you your breakfast." She went into the kitchen and got some fish for Toothless and Stormfly. After she placed some fish in the dragons bowls she walked back to the kitchen. But Toothless still followed her.

"Toothless what is it?" She asked. Then all of a sudden he put his nose right up against her stomach. "Hiccup! Come down here quick!" She yelled.

Then he came running down. "What! What is it? What's wrong? What happened?" He asked in a panicked voice then he noticed what Toothless was doing. When he saw his dragons nose pressed up against his wife's baby bump he laughed. "Yes bud there is something in there."

"I thought it was really cute so I called you down." After she said that she realized that Hiccup was only wearing a towel around his waist. At that sight she wanted him, she felt an urge to walk over to him and never stop kissing him. So when she started to move towards him she was stopped.

"Toothless let me move buddy." she said trying to get passed him.

Hiccup then started to walk towards Astrid to get Toothless out of the way, but when he stepped closer, Toothless started to growl at him. " Hey! What has gotten into you?" Hiccup asked.
He then started to walk towards Astrid again but then Toothless started to show some teeth with a growl. Hiccup backed off after he saw his teeth." Toothless what has gotten into you? You have never done this before."

"Hiccup I think you should go get you mom. She might know what's wrong with him." Astrid said, walking back to a chair.

"Alright I will be right back." he said just before opening the door.

"Ugh Hiccup!" Astrid shouted.

He looked back to Astrid. "Yeah?"

"I think you might want to get some clothes on before you go." she said pointing to his towel.

"Ugh.....yeah I think your right." he said looking down at himself. Then he ran upstairs to get dressed. Moments later he came back down and left.


It has now been 5 minutes since Hiccup has left and Astrid was just sitting down in the chair with her head in her hand, waiting. She was thinking of all the possible reasons why Toothless was acting like this. Then she felt something nudge her stomach so she looked down. She saw Toothless putting his nose up against her stomach again. She thought it was cute the first time but now she was getting annoyed.

"Toothless please stop." she said trying to push his head away.

"I'm back and I have my mom." Hiccup yelled as he came inside.

"Oh good." Astrid said while standing up.

"Now what seems to be the problem dear". Valka said as she started to walk to the kitchen.

"Well every time when Hiccup try's to come to me Toothless won't let him." she explained.

Valka looked over to her son. "How long has this been going on."

"It just happened this morning. He has never done this before." Hiccup said.

"Well.......Toothless just seems to be protecting Astrid. He must smell the baby now that it is bigger. I guess Night Furies are very protect over young." Valka said putting her hand on Hiccups shoulder. " I guess you will just have to show him that you won't hurt Astrid or the baby."

"What. Toothless knows I would never hurt Astrid or my unborn child." He said putting his arms out in a diagonal and shrugging his shoulders.

"Well I guess he changed his mind. Well I can't really help you with this one, son. I Have to get going now bye." Valka said waving goodbye and heading out the door.

"Well I guess she is right." Astrid stated sitting back down in her chair.

"Alright." Hiccup then started to walk over to Astrid again, but this time with his eyes closed and one of his hands reached out. Toothless turned around to face Hiccup and watched him slowly walk towards Astrid. Toothless kept his nose close to Hiccup's hand just in case something happened. Then Hiccup placed his hand on Astrid's stomach. Hiccup opened his eyes and put his other hand on Toothless's head.

"Well I guess that was easier then I thought." Hiccup said with relieve.

"Well now that is done with, I would like to get some breakfast." Astrid said while starting to stand up. Once she stood up, she felt a nudge again. "Ugh! Toothless can you please stop doing that." She said louder.

"Come on bud, let's leave mi'lady alone so she can get something to eat." Hiccup said pulling Toothless away from Astrid. But Toothless wouldn't move. " We can go on a flight?" Hiccup said. After Hiccup said that Toothless raised his head up and dance around in excitement then ran outside.

"Thank you." Astrid said.

"I'll be back soon. I love you both." Hiccup replied. He quickly kissed Astrid on the lips and left.

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