Chapter 20 - 9 Months

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It has been nine months since Astrid and Hiccup found out they are going to have a child. Once a women becomes pregnant, usually the last month is very uncomfortable for the mother, and Astrid was feeling just that. She was laying upstairs on her bed in her breast bindings and panties.

"Hey Astrid are you up here?" Hiccup said as he entered their bedroom. Once he walked he saw Astrid on the bed scrambling to grab a blanket.

"Hiccup! Oh my gosh you are home early."she shouted as she quickly grabbed a blank to cover her self up.

"You know you don't have to cover yourself. I have seen all of you naked, many times." He said as he pointed up and down her body.

"Yes well you haven't seen me all fat and ugly like this before so."

Hiccup then walked over to his wife, sat on the bed and put his hands are her shoulders."What are you talking about, all ugly and fat? You are so beautiful. And you are not fat, you are pregnant. You are carrying a child. My child."

"But I'm-"

"Yes you are and don't say you aren't." He said cutting her off. Then he leaned his head over to her, and kissed her."Now come on. Let's get dressed and have some lunch." He said getting up from the bed, but Astrid just stayed there.

"I can't." She said.

"What do you mean?" He asked confused.

"Well, I was calling myself fat because I can't fit into my clothes anymore and that's why I am laying half naked on the bed." She said looking depressed.

Hiccup then walked over to the dresser and pulled out one of his really big tunics." Try this on, it might fit." he said giving it to her. Once she grabbed it, she put her arms through the arm holes and slipped it over her head. It fell just past her butt." Perfect fit." He said.

"But what about my pants?" She asked.

"Well the sweater seems just fine to me." he said with a smirk on his face and crossing his arms.

"Hahaha Hiccup, but I need some pants."

"Alright let's see what I have." He said walking over to the dresser again.

"Oh wait! I have some leggings my mom gave me last week for times like this! I totally forgot about them. They are in the bottom drawer."Hiccup then opened the drawer and grabbed the pants. Then Astrid put her pants on and stood up.

"Alright let's go get some lunch." Hiccup said putting his arm around her waist and walking downstairs.


As Hiccup and Astrid were eating lunch, the baby kicked Astrid. Then she remembered that her and Hiccup have not thought of names yet. They were going to talk about names but they couldn't think of any and they thought it was to early still.



"What about Ragnar?" Astrid asked.

"For what?" Hiccup asked confused.

"For a boy. For the baby. We haven't talked about names and the baby could be born anytime, so I think we should talk about names now." She said finishing her food.

"Oh, yeah I like that name. What does it mean, do you know?"

"It means, people with this name have a deep inner desire for love and companionship, and want to work with others to achieve peace and harmony. I think I sounds wonderful." She said running her hand over her belly, with a smile.

"I think it is perfect."

"Do you have any girl names you have in mind. I think you should pick the girls name, since I picked the boys." Astrid stated.

"Well I was thinking Gyda...... I herd that people with this name tend to initiate events, to be leaders rather than followers, with powerful personalities. They tend to be focused on specific goals, experience a wealth of creative new ideas, and have the ability to implement these ideas with efficiency and determination. They tend to be courageous and sometimes aggressive. As unique, creative individuals, they tend to resent authority, and are sometimes stubborn, proud, and impatient."

"I think that is beautiful." Astrid said getting up and grabbing the dishes. She walked into the kitchen to place the dishes in the sink, then walked out. When she came back to the living room Hiccup was on the couch petting Toothless. She walked over to the couch and sat down. She then snuggled into Hiccup's chest.

"So there we have it. We have chosen are baby's names." Hiccup said putting his hands on her stomach, to feel the baby.

"Yes and I love them very much." She said looking up to his face. Then she placed her lips on his.

All of a sudden Astrid felt a slight pain in her lower body. She she quickly got up from the couch.

"What is it?" Hiccup asked concerned.

"I feel a pain in my lower body." She said a little scared.

"Are you ........ is it time?"

"I think so. But my water hasn't broke and sometimes this pain can last for 24 hours before the baby is born. So let's not rush things please." she said sitting back down.

"I think we should go get my mom and get everything ready. Just in case."

"No Hiccup please. If this is happening, then I want to spend every last second with you because once this baby is born. Then it won't be just, me and you."

"You make a good point."

"Yes, of course I do. Now kiss me." She said. After that, he kissed her with a lot of passion.

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