Chapter 10 - Love is Strong

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"Astrid dear are you in here?" Valka asked as she pushed the bedroom door to Hiccup's and Astrid's room open.

"Yes." Was all you heard from inside the room. As Valka entered the room she found Astrid sitting against the bed on the floor hugging her knees.

"I think it would be best if you told Hiccup about what you are upset about, not me." she said while starting to sit down beside her.

" I can't do it. I can't confront him about how I lost our child that we tried so hard for." she said looking up to meet Valka's eyes.

"It wasn't your fault. It's no one's fault. So don't go blaming yourself or Fishlegs okay?" she looked at Astrid with a straight look." Okay?" She asked again so she knows Astrid heard her.

"Okay" Astrid responded in a quiet voice.

"Are you okay dear? I know how it is to lose a child. I lost Hiccup for 19 years before he found me. And I know it's hard. But there is always another time to try again. The herbs I gave you seemed to help." Valka said as she rubbed Astrid's back.

"I.... I feel horrible. I just wish I could give Hiccup the one thing that I know he wants deep down inside. And what were those herbs that you gave us they were different but good?" Astrid told Valka sounding a little chirpier then before.

"They are called Sage. I Guess Gothi knows her stuff." Valka said with a little chuckle at the end.

" Well I hope so. She did just put cream and oak leaves on my husband." After that Valka and Astrid started to laugh at how funny that sentence sounded.

"I think we should go downstairs now. And tell Hiccup. I know you told him that we should wait until he gets a little bit better. But I can't wait and have this on my shoulders." Astrid said while getting up. Then Valka got up after.

"If you want to. Then we can. But remember you are the one telling him." She said as they headed out of the room.

Once they reached downstairs they saw Hiccup trying to get up again. Valka went into the kitchen to get some soup from earlier for Hiccup. Astrid ran over to him and pushed him gently back down again." What did I tell you. You need to rest. You don't have to sleep but you need to just lye there and stay still."

"Okay I will. Are you okay now? Did I do something to upset you?" Hiccup asked with sadness in his eyes.

"No you didn't do anything wrong. And I am a bit better now. Your mom knows how to cheer me up." As Astrid was saying she sat down in the chair beside him. Then Valka came out with some soup but Hiccup told her he wasn't hungry so she just put it on the counter in the kitchen and went off to bed.

Now it was just Hiccup and Astrid downstairs alone. Astrid thought it was the perfect time to tell Hiccup about the baby but she didn't know how. So she just decided to not sugar coat it.

"Hiccup I need to tell you something that happened when you were passed out." She now sounded nervous.

"Oh no. Don't tell me Snotlout put my hand in some water to make me pee myself?" He asked all concerned and embarrassed.

"No it has nothing to do with Snolout or anyone other then me." she said as a tear fell down her check.

"Astrid what happened? Your not hurt are you? It's not the baby, is it?" He asked all serious now.

"I'm not hurt physically, but mentally yes." She took a pause."Hiccup I had a miscarriage." She said as she started to cry into her hands.

All Hiccup could do was to think about how he wasn't there for his wife when she needed him. He felt sick to his stomach, he lost the one thing in the whole world that he was the most proud of making.

"Astrid I ......I ....." he was lost for words.

Astrid just sat there with a blank face until she spoke."Hiccup it's okay. It's not the end of the world. We could always try again when you heal right? Pulse now I can worry about you the whole time while you heal and not just this baby . Well that baby." She said with sadness in her voice.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't there. How did this happen, do you know?"Hiccup asked curiously to see what the answer was.

"Well Fishlegs thought he saw you dead so he came and told me. Once I found out that you 'died' I couldn't stop myself from balling my eyes out and that put stress on the baby. So I had a miscarriage. Your mom tried to calm me down before I had it but it didn't work." Astrid said looking into Hiccups eyes.

"I am going to kill Fishlegs once I get better." He said now filled with anger in his voice.

"No Hiccup please don't it wasn't really his fault. Its fine." She begged.

"Astrid it's not fine. We are now childless because of Fishlegs!" He now shouted.

"Hiccup please be rational. It's not the end of the word. We will get threw this just please don't hurt Fishlegs or anyone else." Astrid said in a calm voice still.

"Fine."he said sharply. " But once I get better I promise you that we will have a child again." he told Astrid. After that he leaned up and kissed her on the lips then leaned back down and closed his eyes.

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