Chapter 16 - Really

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When the morning came Astrid and Hiccup just laid in bed, snuggling each other. Then all of a sudden Astrid got out of bed and ran to the washroom. Hiccup got out of bed after her and went to the bathroom to hold her hair.

"Alright, that's it we are going to see Gothi first thing because I hate seeing you like this." Hiccup said holding her hair back.

"I probably have what Snotlout has. It's not that big of a deal." Astrid said when she was finished puking.

"Well still I want to see if Gothi has medicine for you or something."

"Okay. Can you feed the dragons while I get cleaned up?" Astrid asked getting the hot water ready for her bath.

"Well I can. But wouldn't it be better if we both got cleaned up together? Just to save water and all?" Hiccup said with a smirk on his face.

"Hmmmm...... I guess it wouldn't hurt."

After that Hiccup and Astrid got undressed and went into the bath. Once they were all cleaned up, they headed downstairs. Hiccup went to feed the dragons and Astrid started to make breakfast. After breakfast was ready, Hiccup and Astrid started to eat. By the time they were done the dragons also finished their meal. So the two made their way to Gothi's house.

When they arrived Astrid started to feel sick again and just before Gothi opened her door Astrid leaned over a bush and threw up. Hiccup running after her and holding her hair, was trying not to laugh at the situation.

"Shut up it's not funny." Astrid said lightly punching him in the shoulder and walking back to Gothi's house.

"What! I just thought it was a perfect timing of how you ran away when Gothi opened the door." Hiccup said while laughing.

"Yeah well I hate being sick with the flu."

"Hey we still don't know if you have the flu so don't say that." Hiccup said as he put his hand on her back, gliding her while they walk.

Once they reached Gothi's houses, Gothi was standing outside waiting for the two. She then ushered them inside and told Astrid to sit on the bed, so Astrid did just that. Hiccup just walked across the room and sat in the chair facing his wife.

She then asked Astrid how long she has been feeling like this. Astrid just said for two days. Gothi then looked down her throat and saw nothing wrong. She then wrote some symbols on the floor so Hiccup and Astrid could read them.

"Ugh I'm not so sure about this. I don't understand why, and I normally have Valka do it for me." Astrid said looking up at Gothi to answer her question.

"Astrid please just do it. I know it is uncomfortable but it is to see what's going on." Hiccup said sounding impatient.

"Hiccup?" Astrid asked.

"Yes?" He responded confused to why she said his name.

"Shut up! You have no say right now. Your not the one who has to have check ups every month. And not to mention who has had to have them for the past 4 years!" Astrid spoke louder then normal. "I get that you know what you are doing Gothi, but I just feel weird." Astrid then spoke to Gothi.

Gothi then wrote some symbols down. " Well that does make me feel better actually." Astrid said after she read the symbols.

"What is it?" Hiccup asked.

"Well she said that she has seen all the Hofferson girls in this situation, and she actually delivered me when I was born."

"Well do you feel better now that she has seen your whole family before?"Hiccup asked.

"Yes. Now let's get this over with." Astrid said whiling getting ready.

After the check up was done, Astrid got up and put her clothes back on. When she was done getting changed Hiccup walked over to her and wrapped his arm around her waist and they both walked over to Gothi to see what was wrong with her.

"So Gothi what is wrong with me? I have that stupid flu don't I?" Astrid said sounding upset. After she said that Gothi wrote some symbols down. As Hiccup and Astrid both looked down at what she wrote they couldn't believe their eyes.

"You're pregnant." Hiccup said in shock.

"I'm pregnant." Astrid said as she looked up at Hiccup.

"I.... I can't believe it! We're going to be parents!" Hiccup said louder. After that he kissed Astrid on the head. " So Gothi , do you have any medicine that can help Astrid stop throwing up?" Gothi just shook her head.

"Well then I guess I will just have to keep throwing up until the baby comes. Isn't that just great." Astrid said the last sentence with sarcasm.

Once it finally synced into their heads, Hiccup and Astrid left Gothi's house and went home. Hiccup decided that he was going to take the day off and spend it with his wife and new child on the way.

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