Chapter 11 - Back

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It has now been two weeks since Drago came to Berk and lost. Hiccup just started walking around last week and now today, he is starting back with his chief duties. When he woke up this morning, Astrid was still sleeping so he took this opportunity to go on a morning flight with Toothless. Once he got dressed and fed himself he made his way to feed the dragons. While they were eating he went up stairs to kiss Astrid goodbye. But when he got there Astrid wasn't there.

"Astrid where are you!" Hiccup called out. Then the bathroom door opened.
"I'm right here. I was just in the washroom, no need to worry, and keep your voice down your mom is still sleeping." she said with a little sexy sass.

"Oh really?"he said with a smirk on his face. After Hiccup said that he walked up to Astrid and pulled her towards him, so that their bodies were now touching. He wrapped his arms around her waist and she wrapped hers around his neck. Now their faces were inches apart. Then suddenly Hiccup pressed his lips against hers. The kiss was very passionate and it was starting to get intense, so they made their way over to the bed to finish what they started.


After their moment they had, Hiccup got out of bed and got dressed. He noticed Astrid fell asleep so he made his way downstairs to get Toothless and to go on his flight.

"So bud, what do you say we go for a ride. Just me and you." Hiccup asked. Toothless just smiled with the gummy smile he does."Alright then let's go." He said as he was getting on Toothless.

Once they were up in the air they started practicing their moves. Toothless went all the way up, just below the clouds just so his rider had enough space to fall." You ready" Hiccup called out. Just before Toothless could answer, Hiccup slipped off his dragon and started to fall.

Then Hiccup opened his arms and made his body flat so he could glide in the air. He quickly reached his right arm over to the left side of his chest and pressed the button to release the fin at the back. Hiccup and Toothless were now just gliding through the air peacefully.


As Hiccup and Toothless were coming back from their flight, just passing Itchy Armpit, they were greeted by Astrid and Stormfly.

"Well hello mi'lady" Hiccup said smiling at Astrid.

"So this is where you went after this morning. To come and ride your dragon. You know this morning was the first time in two weeks, and after I woke up I was hoping to just lay and cuddle but it turns out, that I was left alone." She said with a smile on her face, and placing her hands on her hips.

"Well in the beginning I was going to go give you a kiss goodbye when you were sleeping, but it turns out you were awake. So I thought that giving you something more then a kiss would be better to leave with." He said with his cocky look and smile.

"Yeah well it was good, but still I didn't want to be alone." she said sounding a little upset. Once she said that Hiccup caught on to the upsetness and quickly tried to make it up to her.

"Well how about we do it again tonight and we can cuddle all you want?" He asked hoping she would say okay.

"Fine. But you better cuddle with me after every time we have our moments." she said.

"That's fine with me mi'lady." Hiccup said with a chuckle.

"Alright well I have to get going now. I am meeting with your mom. And I think it's time you get back too because you need to start your chief duties again." She said well starting to fly faster to get back. Hiccup sped up on Toothless as well to keep up.

"Alright." He said without arguing.

Once they got back to Berk they got off their dragons, kissed each other goodbye and went their separate ways.

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