Chapter 21 - It's Time

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It has now been a couple of hours since Astrid went into labour. She was walking back and forth in the dinning room trying to calm herself from the pain. Hiccup was out getting his mom and Astrid's mom, he only left 5 minutes ago so he was going to show up any minute now.

"Okay I'm back and I have our mom's" Hiccup said as he entered the house with his and Astrid's mothers .

"Okay good, cause I'm pretty sure my water just broke." Astrid said as she felt some liquid roll down her legs.

"Alright Astrid dear, I think it's time for you to make your way upstairs."Valka said putting one of her hands on the back of Astrid.

"I think so too." Astrid said in agreement.

As the two women made their way upstairs, Hiccup and Etta were getting the supplies they were going to need. After they collected all the supplies, they made their ways upstairs too.

Astrid was laying on the bed with a blanket under her and over top of her stomach. She was breathing heavily and all sweaty. Hiccup was sitting right beside her dabbing a wet cloth on her forehead. Valka and Etta were putting out all the supplies they were going to need.

"Alright honey me and Valka are just going to check how far you are okay." Etta told her daughter. After about 2 minutes they were done."Well dear it looks like you have 2 more centimetres to go, then we can have this baby." Valka told her.

Then Astrid just thought of something.
"Hiccup what if it is a girl?" She said worried.

"Then we name her Gyda. We talked about this." Hiccup said confused.

"No, I don't mean that. What if it is a girl. Can she be chief? Or will she have to marry a man, and he be chief?" She asked concerned." Or do we have to have another child and see if it will be a boy, so he can be chief?"

"I.....I don't know. Let's not worry about this now. For all we know it could be a boy." He said dapping the wet cloth on her forehead. Just after he said that, Astrid had another contraction. She grabbed Hiccups hand, squeezed it, and screamed. Valka and Etta both looked at each other with faces saying 'that was a big one'.

"Astrid were just going to check one more time. That contraction you just had was pretty big." Etta said walking with Valka towards Astrid. Then two more minutes went by. "Astrid dear it is time."

Hiccup was sitting behind Astrid and holding her hands, so she can lean on him while pushing. Valka was holding Astrid's leg and Etta was delivering the baby. Once everyone got into their positions it was now time for Astrid to push.

"Alright dear on one....two.....three... PUSH!" Etta said.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Astrid screamed as she pushed, she squeezed both Hiccups hands as hard as she could. Once Hiccup had both his hands squeezed, his face went into pain.

"Alright good good. One more push." Etta said when Astrid took a break from pushing."Hiccup! I am NEVER EVER! doing this again!" Astrid said panting. Hiccup just chuckled.

"Ready one....two.....three...PUSH!" Etta said again.

"AAAAAAAAAAA!" Astrid screamed as she pushed again. Doing the same thing, she did to Hiccup last time. Then all of a sudden there was a high pitch scream.

"It's a girl!" Etta said with a smile and bringing the baby to Astrid's stomach. " Hiccup would you like to cut the umbilical card?" Etta asked looking up at him.

"Ugh..... should...... can I ?" He said stumbling his words.

"Yes. Now come here." Etta said. Then Hiccup got up and went over to Etta, grabbed the scissors, and cut the cord where it is suppose to be cut.

After, Astrid and the baby was all cleaned up, Valka and Etta went downstairs to give the new family some space. Hiccup sat down beside Astrid and placed his arm around her.

"Well hello little Gyda. Welcome to the world." Hiccup said as he put his index finger to her hand, so she can grab it. "You did well." Hiccup said kissing Astrid on the forehead.

"You mean we. I did 95% of the work, but that 5% was all you." she said looking up at Hiccup with a smile.

"We did well." He corrected himself.

It was now just Hiccup, Astrid, and the newest addition to the family, Gyda.

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