Chapter 18 - 5 Months

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Astrid was now five months pregnant. Ruffnut was nine months pregnant and is about a week away from having her child. Hiccup and Astrid were flying on their dragons, making their way over to Snotlout's and Ruffnut's house. They decided it was a good day for the four of them to get together.

"Alright so how long do we have to stay?"Hiccup asked Astrid.

"Well I told Ruff that I was going to see the nursery and help her with dinner."

"Wait! What? We're having dinner there too. I thought we were going to stop by and say hi, then leave."

Astrid and Hiccup finally got to their destination and landed, on their dragons. Astrid got off Stormfly and Hiccup got off Toothless. While walking to the house Astrid replied to Hiccup." Well not anymore. I told Ruff, and I am not letting her down."

Hiccup stopped himself and Astrid before knocking on the door."But you know how Snotlout is. He will always talk about how he always does things first and always beasts me........ but really that's not true."

"Yes, Hiccup I know. But you can just suck it up for now. For me please?" She said putting her hand on his cheek.

Once Astrid did that, Hiccup leaned his head into her hand, then kissed it. She removed her hand when he was done. "Fine." He turned around to look at the dragons. "Toothless you stay here for a bit. Okay bud." Then he knocked on the door.


After about an hour of Hiccup and Snotlout talking about how they are both becoming fathers, and Hiccup listen to Snotlout saying he beat him again by being a father first. Hiccup had enough and stood up from his chair. Once he did that Astrid and Ruffnut were coming downstairs.

"The room is beautiful Ruff." Astrid said coming from upstairs. "Hey babe how are you?" She said looking at Hiccup.

"Well me and Snotlout were talking about fatherhood." He said and after gave her a look of 'let's go home now please!!!'.

Astrid saw that Hiccup has almost had it with Snotlout. So she thought, she should help him out." Hey Ruff, I think it's time we should have dinner now. Don't you?"

"Yes I am quite hungry. And, I am eating for two." Ruff said putting her hands on her really big stomach." Well I guess you are too now." she said pointing to Astrid's stomach."Good thing we put dinner on before we went upstairs. It should be ready now."

After they ate dinner, the four of them went over to the living room and sat around the fire, talking. Then all of a sudden Ruffnut screamed in pain and put her hands under her stomach. Everyone just stopped and stared at her for a couple of seconds in shock. Then Snotlout got up and picked Ruffnut up and carried her upstairs. He ran back down with a panic face.

"Astrid I need you to deliver this baby when it is ready." Snotlout said to her.

"Snotlout I would and you know that, but I have no idea what I am doing. And by the time she is ready to push, Finna could be here to do it."
She said with a worried face.

"Okay fine then you are going to help cause you probably know more then me." He said with a stern voice. "In the mean time, Hiccup I need you to go get Ruffnut's mother, Finna. And Astrid you come upstairs with me and help me get everything ready."

After Snotlout said what needed to be done, Hiccup left and Astrid followed Snotlout upstairs. Once she got to Ruffnut's and Snotlout's bedroom, she saw Ruff laying on her bed holding her stomach and breathing heavily.

"Hey Astrid, so this little one is coming a week early I guess." Ruffnut said in between breaths.

"Yeah I guess so." She said walking up to the bed to hold Ruffnut's hand.

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