Chapter 26 - The Dream

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It has now been 3 months since Saige has been born, and it was the next morning that Hiccup had his nightmare. He decided that he was just going to lay in bed longer then usually to catch up on the sleep that he missed. Astrid on the other hand got up from the bed and headed in the bathroom to take a bath.

It has now been about 20 minutes and Hiccup finally got out of bed. He thought that 20 more minutes was good enough. He made his way downstairs after he went in the bathroom kissed his wife and said good morning. Just before going downstairs he went into Saige's room to wake up his beautiful daughter.

"Well good morning my most beautiful girl in the world." Hiccup said as he entered Saige's bedroom. "Looks like someone got a good sleep last night." He said as he was picking her up and bringing her into his arms.

After grabbing his daughter he finally made his way downstairs. He started to make some breakfast, when he heard Astrid come downstairs. "Here let me take her." Astrid said reaching out her arms as she approached Hiccup and Saige.

"Thank you. I haven't got around feeding the dragons can you please."

"Of course I can."


After all the mornings things to do, Astrid and Hiccup made their way to the Mead hall.

"Hey Hiccup, hey Astrid."
Ruffnut said with Snotlout and their son. They were across the hall when they saw the other family, then both families made their way closer to each other.

"Hey guys how's it going?" Astrid asked.

"Well we were just getting some breakfast at Mead hall this morning. How about you guys, how have you been?"

"We have been good. Tired but good." Astrid responded. With that Tuffnut entered the building.

"Hey guys."

"Hey Tuffnut, what brings yeah here?" Snotlout asked.

"Well I stopped by at your house to see you guys but you weren't there, so I came here."

"Well you found us."Ruff said.

After Ruff spoke, Tuffnut turned to look at Astrid with a confused face."Ugh Astrid weren't you fat at one point?"

"Thanks Tuffnut. I was with child three months ago." She stated.

"Yeah but what happened to it?" he asked still confused.

"Tuff the baby is right here in my arms. I thought it was kind of obvious." Hiccup said moving his arms and Saige a little higher up.

"Oh, well I thought it was just a random baby. Anyways I am going to go get some breakfast catch you guys later." With that he left.

"Okay then. We'll I think we should get something to eat now too. Will catch you guys later." Snotlout said waving goodbye with Ruffnut and their son.

"Well let's go find your mother so we can give her Saige. Then we can go on our flight." Astrid said to Hiccup.

"Well I think we should just stay together today. Like as a family, just us." He said looking worried.

"Hiccup, what's wrong? You trust your mother will your life."

"I know, I do. It's just I want to have us three together. You never know what could happen."

"You sound like one of us is going to die soon. Are you feeling okay? Was it about last night?"

"No I'm fine. I-"

"Hiccup I know when you are hiding something from me."Astrid stated, placing her hands on her hips.

"It's just......mine dream last night scared me, that's all." He said looking down with a sad face.

"Well let's go home and have a talk, shall we." Astrid said with a smile on her face and wrapping her arms around her husband and daughter.
At that the three of them traveled home, got cozy and talked.

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