Chapter 36 - Confession

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It's been 3 days since Hiccup has been locked up in a strange unknown jail cell. There is 4 cells and 3 of them were occupied. One had a dead body in the corner and the other 2 had two very much alive people. Hiccup was in the farthest left from the doorway out and the old man was in the farthest right. In between the jail cells are walk ways that are just big enough for a big Viking like Stoick to fit through. There is a square opening at the top of the room with bars along them. To Hiccup's best guess he suspected that he was in a ships jail cell because he felt rocking, smelt the ocean waters, and it was wood all around him.

The strange man was in the corner of his jail cell where the light from the ceiling didn't reach, so to the man's luck, Hiccup couldn't see him.

Hiccup was standing and holding the bars of his jail cell, close to the door to get out, he was in the light. But strangely enough all the jail cells were covered with light from the ceiling, all but the one that the old man was in.

"Does it star with a T?" Hiccup asked with his head down and his hands holding onto the bars.


"How about a B?"


"What about a-"

"Hiccup stop! My name does not matter and I will never tell you so leave it alone. Its been 3 days and you need to give them what they want to get out." The man said with frustration.

"I keep offering them things and they won't take it. I don't know what they want. Also if we try to get out of here together I'm going to need to get your name so you might as well tell me now." Hiccup added.

"I don't think these people are looking for gold, ships, or dragons. I think they want something that means something to you and please just drop it."

"What! How would they know what's special to me?"

"Well your dragon for one. Your wife, your title, or your daughter."

"I would never give any of those things up! And I- wait!.........How do you know about my wife, daughter and title? I never told you any of those things."

"I.....well.... Your ring on your finger means your married then I just guessed if you had children."

".........okay....but that doesn't explain why you know I have a daughter and a title." Hiccup asked with suspicion.

"Well it was either a son or daughter so I guessed daughter and.....and everyone knows who Hiccup Horrendous Haddock iii is." the Man said.

"Oh" Was all Hiccup could say. After he replied he went into one of his deep thoughts about his family.

"So what would you give up?" The man asked curiously.

"Huh" Hiccup replied from being interrupted from his thoughts. "Oh nothing. I would never giving any of those things up, besides my title. Which of course will go to my daughter when I give it up."

"There must be something you would give up." The man demand to know.

"I guess if there was one thing I had to give up it would be my title. I mean I would still have my family with me."

Afte that the man rushed out from the shadows and moved to the edge of his jail cell to get as close as he could to Hiccup. He reached out his arm and got a hold of Hiccups shirt and knocked his head off the bars of his cell. Thus causing Hiccup to pass out.

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