Chapter 12 - Maybe

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Astrid was walking home from the day she had with Valka, when she started to think about her future. She was thinking if it was a good idea to maybe wait on having a child, just for another year. It couldn't hurt and there was a unlikely chance she will get pregnant without taking the tea. Maybe she and Hiccup still aren't ready yet. Maybe that's why Thor took her baby away, because they weren't ready. Frankly Astrid still didn't enough know if she liked kids. She only wanted one because she knew Hiccup will have to eventually have one.

As she got home she saw that Hiccup was in the kitchen making dinner. She smelled the dinner in, and it smelled fantastic.

"Your making dinner. You know I could of done that." she said walking up to her husband, who's back was facing her. She then wrapped her arms around his waist.

"Well I thought I should get a head start." he said turning around to face his wife, placing his arms and hands around her waist.

"Well then, I guess so" after she said that she kissed him passionately on the lips.

After a couple of minutes dinner was ready and they sat down to eat.

"So how was today with my mom. What did you guys do and talk about?" Hiccup asked. Then he put some of the fish in his mouth that was on his plate.

"Well we just talked about the last two weeks and how I was coping with them. Then after she showed me some things about deadly nadders."she said just before she put some food in her mouth.

"Well that's good that you still see her just as much as she was living here." Hiccup said before another bite.

A week after the whole Drago and Hiccup thing, Valka thought it was a good idea for her to move out now. Hiccup and Astrid begged her to stay but she wanted to leave. She said that she wanted her own space, not that she didn't love her son and daughter-in-law to death. But she wanted to have her own place. It didn't feel right without Stoick there. So she only moved one house down.


After dinner Hiccup and Astrid cleaned up the plates, and then fed the dragons. After that they went to go sit on the couch to cuddle in front of the fire, while the dragons went to bed.

"So Hiccup I was thinking." Astrid said sounding a little nervous.

"What were you thinking mi'lady?"

"Well I know you have healed now and we could go back to trying to have a child but I think we should wait again."she said. "Just another year. To give my body time to get back to normal." Astrid said with more nervousness in her voice. She didn't want to tell Hiccup that she doesn't even know if she likes kids because she was scared of what he will say back.

Hiccup then looked up at her with a confused look." You don't want to have a child anymore? I thought that's all you wanted in the world."

Astrid didn't say anything, she just looked down at her hands.

"Astrid? Astrid please talk to me. If you want to wait for your body to get back to normal that's fine, but if it is because you don't want to have a child anymore-" Hiccup was saying before he got cut off.

"Hiccup I do want to wait because of my body, but I also don't." She stopped what she was going to say.

"You don't what Astrid?" Hiccup said with a concerned voice.

"Hiccup ......I....... I don't even know if I like kids. I'm so sorry I didn't tell you before I got pregnant. I just knew you wanted to have a child so bad." She said with watery eyes.

"Astrid I don't get it. I thought you wanted to have a child?" He asked confused.

"I wanted a child because you wanted one. I thought once I got pregnant I would actually want one for myself. So after I had my miscarriage I thought we should wait so I can see if I like them." She said while looking into his eyes.

"I don't even know if I like kids. I thought you wanted one so then I wanted one. I'm not mad. I'm surprised more then anything. We can wait another year if you would like, I'm fine with that. I can see if we can train some of the younger kids at the academy for a day to get the feel of it, if you like?" Hiccup asked in a relieved voice.

"That sounds perfect. When should we do it? I feel the sooner the better because if we do end up liking kids we can start sooner." she said with a smirk on her face.

"Alright. I can see if I can ask Fishlegs to let us train them on Friday. So we can have tomorrow to prepare of what we will need on Friday."

Since Hiccup became chief of Berk he has been way to busy to train at the academy. So he asked Fishlegs to train the kids, he knew Fishlegs would be good at teaching them because he has read the book of dragons for like the 100 time now. He did ask Astrid but since she is the chieftess she said no because she is way to busy with her duties.

"Alrighty then. Friday it is. Hey maybe we can babysit some of the kids too." Astrid said with joy.

Hiccup chuckled at what she said. "Maybe."

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