Chapter 34 - What Did You Say

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It was now becoming sunset when Astrid got home from her flight with Stormfly. She had the most peaceful and relaxing day ever.

Jumping off Stormfly Astrid stood still closed her eyes and felt the wind blow through her hair. After, she opened her eyes and looked around the village. She knew Hiccup wouldn't be back by now but she still had to look. She made her way over to Valka's house to eat dinner and pick Saige up. When she got there she told Stormfly to go play.

"I'm back!" Astrid announced when she walked into the house.

"How was your day dear. Any problems?" Valka asked as she put dinner on the table

"No problems at all, and my day.....was just absolutely amazing, refreshing, peaceful and so many more. It feels good to have a day to yourself. I love Saige and all but sometimes it can be overwhelming and all." Astrid then just stop and thought of what she just said.
"Is that bad of me to say that?" She asked worried.

Valka just chuckled. " No dear it's not. Parents love their children very much and would do anything for them, it's just sometimes they do need a day for themselves. Just so they don't go crazy."

"Speaking of children, where is Saige?" Astrid asked looking around the room while she made her way to the table.

"Oh I feed her and now she is sleeping upstairs."

"Oh okay thank you Valka."

"Anytime sweetheart. Now come eat."


After dinner Astrid picked up Saige and said her thank yous and goodbyes to Valka.
It was around 9:30 when Astrid put Saige to bed and waited downstairs by the fire for Hiccup. She knew something was wrong because he said he would be home just after dinner, that was and two and half hours ago.

She didn't want to be that over protective wife or that controlling wife either, but she just couldn't help it but wonder where he was.

It was becoming 10:00 o'clock at night when she could barley keep her eyes open. So instead of waiting up for Hiccup she went to bed. She knew that she would feel him crawl into bed when he got home , so she just headed off to bed.


She heard that sound many times before. So she got out of bed slowly and headed down to Saige's room. When she entered she saw her daughter crying. She soothed Saige back to sleep in about 15 mins. After, Astrid made her way back to her bedroom and she wondered why she didn't feel Hiccup come to bed. Once she entered her room she stopped right away. She now knew the answer to her question, she never felt Hiccup because he never did come home.

Now Astrid was getting worried she didn't even try to go back to sleep because she knew that she was to worried to fall back. Then She heard Saige cry again, and made her way to her bedroom.

Astrid entered Saige's room and picked her up and sat down in the rocking chair by her crib."Saige sweetheart what's wrong, why won't you sleep?"

Saige was just making baby sounds at her mother.

"I know I can't sleep because your daddy isn't home, but why can't you sweetie?" She spoke softly to her daughter as she rocked her.
Astrid knew she wouldn't get an answer from her daughter but she always likes to talk to Saige.


"Saige ? Was that you ?"


"Yes sweetie dada! Just wait until he hears you say that, oh he won't be able to stop smiling for weeks!" Astrid said with excitement.

Then she realized that he still wasn't home, the excitement was gone and now fear and sadness filled her veins".............Your dada is missing ........."

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