Chapter 7- What!?

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As Hiccup and Fishlegs were walking down to the docks the ship was getting closer. Once the ship was close enough Hiccup could see the flag and stopped in his tracks. He knew that flag from anywhere. It was Drago. The man who killed his father. The man who took his father away from him. The man who took his leader and inspiration away.

"Fishlegs I want you to call everyone out and prepare for battle. I will be right back I have to go do something. Make sure everyone gets their dragons."

But before Hiccup could run away Fishlegs grabbed his arm. "Where are you going? We need you!"

"I'll be right back I have to grab something." Hiccup said while getting out of Fishlegs grip.

While Hiccup was running inside his house to grab toothless, Astrid came running down the stairs. She saw the look on Hiccups face so she asked what was wrong." Hiccup what is it? what's going on?"

"Drago is here and I have to leave to help fight I will be back I promise. If you would like to come and help fight with me I would be honored?" Hiccup said hoping she would say yes.

"I would love too! But I can't." Astrid said with a smile on her face.

"You can't. Astrid I know you can. You are a better fighter then I am and you say you can't. Are you feeling alright? Are you hurt?" Hiccup asked with a confused look on his face.

"No I'm not hurt and I feel fine. Hiccup I know we both thought we would get told together but you had to leave for your people and that's fine. Hiccup I'm pregnant!" Astrid said with the happiest smile she could ever have. "And I know pregnant women can fight and all but It took us so long for me to become pregnant and I don't want to take any chances of losing this baby."

As Astrid told Hiccup that she was pregnant. Hiccups face was turned into a smile of excitement. He couldn't believe the words he was hearing. He finally got the fearless Astrid Haddock pregnant. He then picked her up and spun her around in a circle saying "Were going to have a baby!"

"Yes we are!" She said in reply.
"And I understand that you don't want to come and help this time. Just stay here with Stormfly and my mom and keep yourself save. The both of you."Hiccup said after he put Astrid down.

"I will. And you need to be careful too. This baby is going to need a father." Astrid said putting her hands on her hips.

"Aren't I always?" Hiccup said with a smirk on his face." .......Ugh don't answer that actually." He said quickly after realizing that he sometimes isn't that careful.

"That's what I thought." Astrid said still having her hands on her hips.

"Well I have to go now I love you. The both of you." As Hiccup said that he put one hand on Astrid's stomach. Then just before he left he kissed Astrid on the lips. Then went down on one knee and kissed her stomach.

While Hiccup walked out of the house with toothless he saw that there was now multiple ships coming. He quickly got on top of toothless and looked for Drago. After about 5 minutes Hiccup finally found Drago, he was standing on a cliff just waiting for Hiccup.

When Hiccup arrived at the cliff he noticed that Drago was holding a sword, in his only hand. "Let's do this the proper way, like man. No dragons!" Drago said as he waited for Hiccup to land.

"No Drago! There is no proper way because there is only one way! That way is for you to leave dragons alone and never come back!"Hiccup said as he got off toothless and started to walk towards Drago.

"If you don't want to fight then there is only one way to end this! .........I see you are a married man now Hiccup." Drago said that as he noticed the gold ring on Hiccups finger. "Where is that lovely wife of yours. Did you marry that blonde little girl with the spiky skirt? hahaha I bet you did." Once Drago said that Hiccup started to get furious and charged for Drago with his inferno.

Drago acted quick and brought his sword up to defend himself. Drago thought of Hiccups weak spot and pulled his prosthetic led out from under him causing Hiccup to fall on his back and drop his inferno. As Hiccup was on the ground Drago put his sword up to Hiccups neck.

"So I was right. You did marry her. How is she, where is she. .......I thought she would be here fighting with you. Unless.... unless she left you and you haven't got over it. Hahaha now that would be something. Or..... or she is protecting something. But what would be something worth to protect? A child maybe. Ha that's a joke a scrawny boy like you can't be able to create a child. Your not a man!"

As Drago was to distracted with his little 'speech' Hiccup used the signals he taught Toothless to get ready for a plasma blast.

"Are you finished with your little speech Drago?"Hiccup asked as a sarcastic remark. "Now Toothless!" After Hiccup said those words Toothless shot a plasma blast right at Drago who was standing over top of Hiccup.

As Fishlegs was on meatlug fighting off Drago's army he heard toothless's plasma blast coming from the cliff. He looked over and saw Drago on the ground and Toothless nudging Hiccup. But Hiccup wasn't moving. As Fishlegs saw this he thought of Astrid and started to fly to Hiccups and Astrid's house. Once he got there he didn't bother knocking on the door, he just walked right in.

"Fishlegs you scared me half to death!" Astrid yelled as she and Valka jumped up from the couch.

"Astrid it's Hiccup...." Fishlegs tried to say.

"No. No! He can't be. He was just....." She couldn't finish her sentence because she was starting to cry. Astrid dropped to her knees crying.

Fishlegs looked at Valka with a sad and sorry face. Valka just stood there with a blank face. She couldn't move, the only thing that was moving on her body was the tears coming out of her eyes. How could she move, she just lost the only child she had. Then she thought of Astrid and the condition she was in. If Astrid keeps crying like this she could lose the baby, so she went over to her and walked her over to the couch to try to keep her calm.

Fishlegs thought it was best to leave Astrid and Valka to grief in peace. Once he walked outside he noticed that Drago's army was retrieving. So he started to start cleaning up the village.

After about 20 minutes Valka thought she should say something to Astrid before she does lose the baby. "Astrid dear I know how you are feeling right now but you need to stay calm please." She tried saying in a calming and soothing voice.

"Stay clam! How and I suppose to stay calm when the love of my life just died!" She yelled and got up from the couch.

"I know but if you ......" before Valka could finish her sentence Astrid clutched her stomach with one hand and put her other hand on the inside of her leg. Once she removed her hand from her leg she noticed blood.

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