Chapter 8 - Say Something

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As Astrid looked down at her bloody fingers once more she started to cry again. Valka was taken back at what had happened before her eyes. The two women just had their hearts brake into a million pieces and now this. As Valka watched Astrid cry she noticed that the blood was running down her legs now, almost to her knees. She got up from the couch and took Astrid up stairs to get cleaned up.


As Fishlegs was telling the gang what he saw on the cliff they quickly decided that they should go there. Once they arrived they saw Drago's dead body on the ground and toothless laying beside Hiccup waiting for him to move. But he didn't move. When they all got closer they checked Drago's pulse to double check if he was alive or dead. To their relief he was dead. After they checked Drago they started to walk towards Hiccup to do the same, but once they got close Toothless got up from laying down and started to growl at the gang with black slits in his eyes. Tuffnut out of all of them stepped forward.

"It's okay toothless it's just me, Tuffnut. I just want to check something." He said stepping closer to toothless and reaching out his hand so he can touch him, to show his trust. Once Tuffnut touched toothless, his eyes went big and he backed up a little so he can touch Hiccup.

"Thank you." Tuffnut said with a smile. Once he got over to Hiccup he put two fingers up against his neck. After about 3 secs he felt it. He felt the very faint hear beat."He's not dead!" Tuffnut yelled in happiness. "He's not dead!" He yelled once more.

"Oh thank Thor." Snotlout said with a tear of joy coming out of his eye.

"Oh no!" Fishlegs said as he remember what he said to Valka and Astrid.

"What is it?" Ruffnut asked in confusion.

"Well I might have told Astrid and Valka that Hiccup died." He said in a worried face. He thought of what Astrid was going to do to him for putting her in such pain. So he started to walk back and forth in a panic.

"You what!" Gobber said as he approached the four.

They all turned around in surprise and Fishlegs stopped pacing.

"Well I thought I saw Hiccup dead and I didn't want to second guess it, so I quickly went to Astrid." Fishlegs responded with a shaky voice.

"Guys if we want to keep Hiccup alive, we need to get him home now before he does die!" Tuffnut shouted.

"Ruffnut go and get Gothi and tell her what happened she will know what to do. And the rest of us, let's get Hiccup home." Gobber said he walked closer to Hiccup.


Astrid just sat in her bed, just staring into oblivion. After Valka was done cleaning her up she put her into bed and went downstairs to make some tea. Astrid thought of the life should could of had with Hiccup and the baby together, but after about two minutes of thinking she started to cry again. Once she started to cry Valka came up with two cups of tea in her hands. She put both of the cups on the bedside table, sat on the bed and just rubbed Astrid's back.

"Valka, Astrid come downstairs now!" Was all you heard after the door from downstairs opened.

Once both women made their way downstairs they saw Gobber, Fishlegs, Snotlout, and Tuffnut carrying Hiccup's body. They rushed him over to the kitchen table and started to take off his armour.

"He's not dead" Was all that came out of Astrid's mouth.

"No he's not! Now come help take off his clothes since you are probably so good at it by now." Gobber said as he was taking off Hiccups clothes.

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