Chapter 4- 4 Years Later

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Today is the day that Astrid hates. The first day out of every month, she gets 'checked out' ever since she got married. Now she knew once she married Hiccup that this would happen but, still after 4 years she just still hasn't gotten use to it. After about 3 years she got married she and Hiccup was hoping that they would tell them that she is pregnant but they always said "no" and they were always right.

Like Hiccup said he would get her a person she felt comfortable with and he did keep his promise but it didn't change they way Astrid felt about the situation. She knew that Valka would not judge her in this situation because she knew she felt the same way when she was younger and was married to Stoick.

Ever since a year ago she got depressed that this day was coming up. She and Hiccup were now ready to have a child. Why shouldn't they, they are now 25 years old, Hiccup has been situated with his chief duties for about 4 years now and Astrid has learned how to become a much better cook and cleaner. Since she wasn't the best 4 years ago.

As Astrid was sitting at the kitchen table waiting for Valka to come today, Hiccup came downstairs to surprise his wife.

"I have something for you."

"What is it? ...........Can it help me get pregnant?" Astrid said the last sentence a little quieter so Hiccup wouldn't hear her.

But he did hear her. "No it can't help you get pregnant but it might cheer you up." As Hiccup said that his face was not in a smile because every time he thinks of his wife not pregnant, he thinks it's his fault.

"I'm sorry. It's just... I thought by now that I would be pregnant. I am grateful that I didn't get pregnant right after our wedding, but I thought by now that I should be. I feel like it's all my fault!." As Astrid said those words she put her head in her hands.

Hiccup walked over to his wife and pulled her up into a hug." Astrid it's not your fault."

"Yes it is! I can't do the one thing that a women can do Hiccup! How do you think I feel about that! I can't give you a child! I can't give the people of Berk a heir!" Astrid said/yelled as she started to cry into Hiccups shoulder.

"Hey it's okay. I don't need to have a child. I just want you. I love you." Hiccup said as he stroked Astrid's hair. " And I think Berk will be okay if we don't have a child."

As of Hiccup said that, Valka walked inside. " Is this not a good time. I can come back later if you need me to." Valka said as she noticed Astrid crying into Hiccups shoulder.

Astrid and Hiccup released each other after Valka spoke." No it's okay I am just upset about something but I'll be okay." Astrid said to Valka while heading upstairs to get everything ready for the check up.

It was now just Hiccup and his mom downstairs." Is she okay son?"
"To be honest mom, I don't think she is."

" What was she so upset about. If you don't mind me asking." Valka asked as she went to the closet to grab the supplies she needed.

"She upset that she isn't pregnant."

"She already had the check up today? By someone else." Valka asked confused.

"No no she hasn't. But it's been 4 years since we got married and she hasn't even got pregnant once." Hiccup was now looking down at his feet in shame, like it was his fault.

"Well you never know today might be different." Valka said as she tried to cheer up her son.

After that little conversation they had they both walked up stairs. Hiccup didn't notice that his mother had a bag in her hand when she walked in. But now that they are walking upstairs he noticed it.

Before Hiccup and Valka went into his and Astrid's bedroom he stopped his mom and asked "Mom what's in the bag?"

"Oh well you and Astrid are not the only 2 who have noticed that she is not pregnant yet. So I went to Gothi and asked her about situations like this"

"Okay well what did she say?" Hiccup asked now sounding a little impatient.

"Well she didn't really speak, but she 'said' that sometimes one of the partners can't do there part the same way. So she gave me these herbs for you and Astrid to put into your teas to drink. They might help. But no promises."

"Oh okay, well thank you mom."

"Your welcome dear. Just make sure you both drink these twice a day to get the full affect."

"I will" As Hiccup said that he hugged his mom and not seconds later Valka hugged her son back.

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