Chapter 38 - Time Heals

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The men were all gone and it was just Hiccup by himself. They put Toothless under deck just in case of anything.

"I'm sorry Astrid. I'm sorry I couldn't protect this family the way I thought I could. I'm sorry mom that I brought you back here to have this happen to you...........Im sorry dad, I'm sorry I couldn't protect the village and be the chief I was suppose to be."


"Go away" Hiccup yelled at the voice, while looking at his feet.

"Hiccup please! I can help"

Hiccup took Curiosity and looked up from his feet. It was the old man that was in the jail cell with him. The man who betrayed him, who knocked him out. "what do you want! You betrayed me!" Hiccup yelled.

"I know and I'm sorry for that, but right now I can help you." The man said walking closer.

"Why would you want to help me. All you've done for me is nothing."

"Because what I did was wrong and selfish. I just wanted to be free from my son. Now I need to repay my debt with you. I know how to stop my son."

"But that still doesn't make sense on why you want to help me."

"Because what my son is doing is wrong. I'm the reason why he is like this. I clearly wasn't that good of a father. And my brother Drago, well let's just say he was adopted because he was a disgrace to my family. Now do you want my help or not?"

"Well there is always second chances. Let's stop your son!"

The old man untied Hiccup and helped him with getting Toothless free.

"Thank you for your help" Hiccup said while getting on Toothless. "Now how am I going to stop your son?"

"Bring me to him."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. He needs love from his family. I need to make him powerless and bring him back home. There is where he kind find peace."

"Okay. Get on and hold tight!"


The men made their way threw the sky on Toothless. They were very quiet, it's like they weren't even there. Hiccup spotted Siv climbing up the cliff. Luckily he was by himself. Toothless headed his way to the ground just in front of the cliffs edge. There the waited for Siv.

After a couple of seconds Siv finally reached the top.

"Well well well, what do we have here." Siv chucked as he brushed himself off." My pathetic father and Hiccup. Tell me do you really think you're going to stop me?"

"No son! We are here to change your mind. This isn't you and you know it. What happened to the little boy who used to wait for the night to catch fireflies or look up at the stars to find dragons. What-"

"ENOUGH! I don't need this! I want what is mine! Your little speech won't change anything!"

"Is this what Embla would want?"

"Don't you ever say her name again!"

"Or Hella?"

"Stop!" Siv came charging at his father with his sword. Hiccup stepped in to help out.
Hiccup pushed Siv back, knocking his sword away so he couldn't reach it. Toothless was smart and graves it.

"Look son, you can't hurt me or anyone. Stop this folkish act and come home. Come morn about your wife Embla and your daughter Hella. They need you to do this."

"I can't" Siv dropped to his knees and looked down.

"Yes you can and you will" Hiccup said walking towards him."I know what's it's like to Lose a loved one, I lost my dad. After time it gets better."

"How much time?"Siv asked.

"As much time as you need son. Now let's go home. Tell your 'men' to go home too."

The 'war' was gone, Siv was gone with his father and his men. Berk was safe and Hiccup's family was safe too. Now all Hiccup had to do was go home and home is where he went.

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