Chapter 35- Mysterious Man

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It was around 3 o'clock in the afternoon when it all happened. Just before Hiccup left for his journey yesterday morning he didn't know that there was going to be a thunderstorm right in the middle of his flight route.
As he was flying he lead Toothless around the storm. But to his unfortunate luck the storm moved and went right in his path.


".........ooowwwwww!" Hiccup yelped as he opened his eyes. He noticed that it was the middle of the day. The sun was shining, Terrible terrors were flying above, and Toothless's tail was broken off Toothless because it was on the other side of the crash site. On that note Hiccup didn't see Toothless anywhere. He was nowhere in sight and Hiccup could barely move his good leg.

"Toothless!" Hiccup yelled trying to stand up.

"TOOTHLESS!!" He yelled even louder.

Still nothing. So he finally got up on his feet and started walking. He didn't know where to walk to but he just went somewhere.


Hiccup has been walking/falling over for about an hour now trying to look for Toothless. He didn't really get far because he was hurt. But that never stopped him from yelling. His voice was all scratched from yelling and he was exhausted.


By the time night fall hit, Hiccup was about to pass out, until he heard something in the bushes.

"Hello?!" Hiccup called out.

"Who's there?!........ Is anyone there!?"

Then all of a sudden a big black dragon jumped on Hiccup and liked his face.

"Toothless! Bud! I've missed you so much!" hiccup said to Toothless as he hugged his dragon. "I've been looking for you all day."

Then a cool breeze came and started to make the air cold.

"Hey bud what yeah say we make a fire? It's getting cold out."

Toothless just made that dragon sound he does as an answer to yes.

"Alright! I'll go and get some firewood you stay here."


By the time Hiccup got the fire going Toothless and himself were so tired they passed out.


When Hiccup opened his eyes he noticed he wasn't outside with his dragon, but in a dark and cold jail cell. His body ached from head to toe and he could barley move.
Is anyone there?"

"They're not going to let you see him" A quiet old voice came from the shadows.

"Hello? Who's there?" Hiccup asked nervously. He started to move away from the shadows just to be save. Then all of a sudden Hiccup heard ruffling and not a second later a tall haired man came out from the darkness. He had one arm and dark long hair. Hiccup didn't seem to recognize him.

"Doesn't matter what my name is. They won't let you see him."

As the man spoke Hiccup seemed to remember the voice but he couldn't put a face on it.

"Why not? He needs me. I need him."

"Because they want something from you."

"What do they want?"

" Depends. On what you have to offer, or give up."

"Will my offer let me and my dragon free?"


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