Chapter 24 - Rule or No Rule

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As Hiccup was walking home with Saige, he saw his mother getting off Cloudjumper.

"Hey mom." he said walking over to her.

"Hello Hiccup. I see you brought my new granddaughter with you." she said with a smile, looking down at Saige.

"Yeah. I just came back from talking to Gobber about some rule."

"Well what was the rule and what did he say?" She asked curiously.

"Well last night Astrid was worried that Saige wouldn't be able to become Chieftess in charge, because she is a girl. So I went to ask Gobber if she could be in charge, but he said he doesn't know because he has never heard of a Chieftess in charge before." He said with disappointment.

"Oh." She said with surprised looked on her face. "Well I have never heard of a Chieftess being in charge but I don't see why not." At that moment Hiccup looked up to his mother and gave off a smile.

"He told me to go look at the Mead Hall, there might be something that could tell me."

"Well like I said, I don't see why not." As of that, Hiccup and Valka stared walking towards Valka's house. "And did I hear you called her Saige? I thought it was Gyda?" She said confused.

"Well her first name is Gyda and her middle name is Saige. But me and Astrid thought Gyda might be pronounced differently so we decided to call her by her middle name, Saige." He said with a smile, looking down at Saige. Who was placed sleeping in Hiccup's arms.

"Well I think that's wonderful. You will have to announce her to the whole village soon."Valk said while she stopped walking. Once she stopped so did Hiccup. They were now at Valka's home.

"Me and Astrid already have that planned."

"Well I must be going now. I have to go start dinner. I am having some guests come over. You know, Astrid's mother, Ruffnut and Tuffnut's mom, and Fishlegs and Snotlout's mothers will be joining too. I will be telling them all about my new granddaughter." She said playing with little baby Saige's feet.

"Alright, have fun mom." Hiccup said just about to leave.

"Wait I need a kiss." Valka said.

"Mom I think I am to old for a goodbye kiss, I-"

"Not from you. From my little granddaughter." As she said that she walked up to Hiccup and Saige and kissed Saige on the forehead." But it is always nice to get a goodbye kiss from your mother." Valka said quickly, just before giving Hiccup a kiss on the head. Then she walked into her home.

Hiccup watched his mother enter her house and just smiled. He looked down at his daughter. "I think it's time to get home now. Mommy will be dying to see you. And when you wake up, you will be hungry."

With that Hiccup continued to walk home.


It was now the next day, and Hiccup got out of bed and headed to the Mead Hall. He was entering the back room where the Chiefs have there little 'office' space. It was kept with all the information about being chief and rules and treaty's Berk has. It had a bookshelf that was the whole wall length of the far side, full a books and papers. A desk at the front of the room, and a small fireplace at the back.

Hiccup has never been in this room since his father has died, he didn't think he needed to be in this room ever. He used to come and play in the corner with his toys when his father was working on something and no one could watch him.

He was now looking through all the books and papers that was on the bookshelf, then he noticed one book that said 'chiefs and heirs'. He opens the book up and went to the chapter about heirs.

The heirs of the island are very important. They are the next leader of the island and should always stay safe and protected. They will always have to have a mate to keep the blood line going. The island can be maintained by a Chief or a Chieftess, but they will always need their partner for support.

As Hiccup was reading this he was more then happy. He can now go home to his wife and child and tell Astrid that no matter what happens to Saige she will be okay.


Hey everyone I am so sorry that I didn't update for the past couple of days I had my mind on my school work. But I can tell you this, I will try to start updating everyday again. And I saw the new hunger games last night: Mockingjay.

And if you would like, you can leave suggestions to what you might want to see happen in the future but I can't make promises. And please leave comments I love to read them.

I believe that this is my first authors note!:) well enjoy!

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