(Eng) Chapter 12

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For the umpteenth time, Hotaru entered the chat application, read the chat from Naoki, then exited the application again. She threw her cell phone on the bed, then curled up under the blanket. But then she got up again, took her phone, opened the chat app.

"Aahhh... what should I do?" Hotaru ruffled her already disheveled hair, "if I tell him, then he finds that woman, he will go faster..."

She threw away her cell phone again, "I don't have to tell him."

"But sooner or later, he will still return to his country..." she thought sadly.

She grabbed her phone and got up and left the room. Her eyes fell on the door handle. There was a paper bag. Inside was a burger and fries. There is a note stuck to the front.

I noticed that you didn't leave your room at all all day except when you were drinking water. I thought you were hungry, so I bought you a burger. Hope you like it.
-- Jo Eun Seob

Hotaru bit her trembling lips, holding back the tears that wanted to come out again. She took the bag, walked quickly to Eun Seob's room and knocked. The door opened quickly as if he had been waiting for her to arrive.

"Hotaru-chan..." Eun Seob greeted her with a bright smile.

But that friendly smile was met with a rude toss of paper bags from Hotaru

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

But that friendly smile was met with a rude toss of paper bags from Hotaru. Burgers and fries splattered on the wooden floor.

"What's the matter with you? Why are you angry at me for no reason? Did I do something wrong that I didn't realize? Speak! Explain to me!" Eun Seob can't hold his emotions anymore.

"Please, don't be too nice to me."


Hotaru shows a message from Naoki to Eun Seob.

"My friend's uncle knows where Cindy Lee is. He asked you to meet his uncle tomorrow."

"Can you accompany me?"

"No. Go alone. I'll tell Naoki to pick you up."


Hotaru turned her back to him, "if your business is done, hurry back to your country."

Eun Seob was about to chase Hotaru who had gone up to her room on the second floor, but Mr. Kobayashi came to stop him.

"Good evening, sir," said Eun Seob politely.

"Wanna have some tea with me?"



"You are mine."

Great arrogance sounded in Will's tone like an undeniable king's decree. A split second Seol was silent. Her brain was trying to process the words that the man said, but she couldn't concentrate because his face was so close to her. The musk scent of the perfume he was wearing crawled into her sense of smell, not getting into her lungs, instead traveling to her heart, making it pump blood twice as fast as when she ran a marathon. And the pounding got even more crazier as Will's lips got closer to hers.

A Sudden Dad✔Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang