𝟲𝟬. epilogue

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ooo.┊ # EPILOGUE ✧˖*°࿐
-ˋ 🦋 𝒐𝒓𝒑𝒉𝒊𝒄 — 𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗌𝗂𝗑𝗍𝗒

        A COOL BREEZE BRUSHED AGAINST the green shrubbery as a few bees and butterflies flew off - startled from the sudden wind. A girl soon walked by, watering the plants from seemingly nowhere. A small giggle was heard from the girl, very carefree and light; it sounded like twinkling.

The girl in question, was wearing a violet, lace dress - that was a gift from her significant annoyance - with some of her hair tied back with a ribbon. Her blue eyes popped against her pale skin as she closed them and breathed in, hearing someone yell behind her.

"Anastasia!" The males voice yelled in surprise and the girl in question laughed while looking back. Anastasia Beauregard and Edmund Pevensie had decided to spend the day to themselves for once, and of course Anastasia took a page out of Lucy's book and pranked him. Anastasia looked back before quickly taking off to the hill that was by their house.

"Come back here!" "You'll have to be fast enough!" Anastasia laughed and continued running up the hill. It was the most exercise she'd gotten in a while which made her huff a bit, but at least she still won. She reached the top of the hill and did a little twirl in victory and spun for a bit.

        She hadn't noticed Edmund staring at her with a soft smile before softly tackling her. They giggled and rolled around until finally laying on their backs and looking at the sky above them. "I'm glad we got to do this." Edmund spoke. "Me too. Before our lives get busier." Anastasia responded and Edmund smiled before putting a hand on her stomach, leaning over and kissing her cheek.

        It all seemed so familiar to Anastasia. It's on the tip of her tongue as to when she experienced it before, then it hit her. Their last trip to Narnia. It was only five years ago, but it felt like ages. A lot's happened since then. The war was still waging, but that didn't stop her from deciding to move to France on her own, wanting to be in the place where her parents grew up.

        And of course where Anastasia went, Edmund followed and he followed her all the way to a countryside in France, living Anastasia's unknown dream of wanting a cottage and having her own little farm - as she called it. So Anastasia, with the help of Edmund, Howard, and Erskine, made herself her own little place where she and Edmund lived together for the past few years, alone, until Anastasia's sudden news a few weeks ago that she was pregnant.

        Of course, their parents were a bit worried for the young couple as they live so far away, but Anastasia and Edmund assured them they had it under control - well, as under control as they could. At least their cottage in the middle of nowhere would be useful should their child have any mutations like she and Alastair did.

        Speaking of, Alastair had gotten himself a boyfriend. It was a bit shocking to most in the family, but when Alastair brought him over to meet the family Anastasia simply said she knew it all along and welcomed the new addition to the family with open arms before taking the brownies he had made for them. But later on, Anastasia did have a talk with Alastair about it and found he realized his feelings for men during their Golden Age in Narnia.

        Now, Alastair and his boyfriend, Slater Toroni, continue to live in New York City under the guise of 'best friends living together'. The two have visited Anastasia and Edmund as much as they could, but they normally resort to speaking through the calling.

        Despite living in France, Anastasia still helps out Erskine regularly, especially with the new child on the way considering with her and Alastair, their mutations didn't come in until they were going from a young baby to a toddler, so Erskine wanted to see if anything different would happen during Anastasia's pregnancy.

        Pregnancy. It was still weird to think about that. A few years ago Anastasia hated children and the thought of them, now, she still does hate them, but having her own wouldn't be so bad. Especially with Edmund to keep her sane. After the events of the Dawn Treader, Edmund and Lucy stayed in Cambridge for a few months with Eustace, until their parents and Susan came back from America. It was difficult for Anastasia and Edmund to maintain contact, but they did, eventually landing where they are now.

In a small cottage/house on the French countryside, getting ready to start the next page of their lives. Luckily, Anastasia was as trauma free as she could be considering Peggy made her speak and cry about her problems rather than hiding them.

"Doesn't this remind you of Narnia?" Edmund's voice snapped Anastasia out of her thoughts. Her hand slipped into his hair and she peered around. The lush, green grass blew in the winds with the few dandelion fluffs flying through. The trees calmly blew in the air as the cool spring breeze was rolling in. "I guess it does." Anastasia hummed. "Do you ever get nervous about forgetting? Or that they forgot us?" Anastasia asked him.

"No." Edmund softly shook his head. "If they do forget us, that's alright. But we can never forget them, because they're always with us." He motioned to his heart. Anastasia nodded and kept looking out. "Hopefully those'll be good stories to tell, Céline." She commented. "Céline?" Edmund incredulously asked. "The thing growing inside of me." "What makes you so sure it's a girl?" "....It's growing inside of me, I think I would know."

Edmund fondly shook his head but agreed. "Alright. Céline it is." Anastasia smiled and brought him up for a kiss. Their lips molded together like it was a habit before they pulled away. "I love you, Annie." Edmund whispered as he brushed a piece of her hair back. "I love you, Ed." Anastasia whispered back with a slight smile before he got up. "Come on. It's almost time for lunch."

Anastasia grabbed his hand and let him pull her up, before walking down the hill hand in hand. The last chapter of their youth was closed with their last trip to Narnia and the first chapter of the rest of their lived would be started with their child, but no matter how old she'd get, Anastasia would never forget Narnia, and how it helped her fully be herself.

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