𝟯. a moment

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ooo.┊ # A MOMENT ✧˖*°࿐
-ˋ 🏹 𝒐𝒓𝒑𝒉𝒊𝒄 — 𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗍𝗁𝗋𝖾𝖾

        "SO YOU LOT MIND TELLING US why you almost came late?" Peter said after an hour of being on the train, looking at the Beauregard siblings.

        "This one took too long trying to getting her stuff ready." "Don't put all the blame on me. Aren't you the one who put dirty clothes in their bag?" Anastasia huffed.

        "You don't know how to wash your clothes?" Lucy asked which made Peter start laughing while Ana snorted. Once she did that, she immediately stopped as if remembering something before going back to a blank face.

        Edmund looked over at Anastasia from the corner of his eyes. As he went to look away he caught Susan's eye, as she was on the opposite side of Anastasia.

        She wasn't paying attention to them as she was still in an argument with her brother about who made them late.

        He looked at Susan questioningly who smiled, as she looked back at Ana and made a heart with her hands to which he rolled his eyes before turning and brooding again.

        Anastasia had noticed Edmund being a little too quite, so while the other members of the group were caught up in a conversation she nudged his arm. This action seemed to have immediately catch his attention as his eyes snapped towards her silently questioning her.

        "What's wrong? You're quiet for once and not starting arguments or attempting to 'woo' me. If that's what you call it." He quickly looked around before looking back at her.

        "I just don't want to leave our house behind, all my dads stuff is there and leaving it there feels like not having him with us. Last night Peter had yelled at me for being selfish and only thinking of myself because I went back to get a picture of our father. The bloody git."

        "Everything's going to be fine. This isn't temporary and we'll be back home before you know it. And you're not selfish for getting a picture of your father. Stupid? yes. But not selfish. Besides he's always with you in spirit." Anastasia calmly told him.

        She hoped this was good enough to console him. She wasn't very good at expressing her feelings. Not that she didn't want to, she just didn't know exactly how to put it out there.

        Anastasia turned away and grabbed her sketchbook deciding to draw whatever came to mind. Edmund sat watching her draw with a small smile. He snapped out of it and looked at what she was drawing.

        "That's good." He told her. "It's just a sketch." "It's still good." The girl simply pursed her lips in dissatisfaction before continuing to draw.

        Unbeknownst to the both of them, their older brothers had been watching them from the corner of their eyes. After their siblings had finished talking they turned to each other. "Wow he really does like her huh?" Peter asked. "Yeah. I don't think Ana has realized, or she just doesn't want to admit it." Alastair responded.

        "Hopefully they figure it out soon. They're good together" Peter said. Even though they argue and butt heads a lot all Peter really wants is the best for Edmund and he knows Anastasia is that for him.

        Along with Alastair, he knows Edmund brings out a side of her she never shows, but he's hoping this would help her.

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