𝟭𝟮. her childhood

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ooo.┊ # HER CHILDHOOD ✧˖*°࿐
-ˋ 🗡 𝒐𝒓𝒑𝒉𝒊𝒄 - 𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗍𝗐𝖾𝗅𝗏𝖾


A six year old Anastasia was outside of her friends house in America. She was playing with a girl from her school, Grace.

Her and Grace were best friends. Two peas in a pod. They considered each other family. Until tragedy struck.

The two were playing in the field behind her house. After a game of tea party the two went up to the only tree that was back there. Anastasia bent down and grabbed a rock showing it to Grace.

Her friend looked at it in confusion before Anastasia closed her palm. Opening it back up a flower sprouted where the rock used to be.

Anastasia looked at her friend smiling until she saw the look on her face. Grace was confused, shocked, and scared at what Anastasia was able to do.

"Freak! You're a freak, Ana!" Anastasia's eyes filled with tears as she shook her head. "No I'm not! I won't hurt you!" "I'm telling my mom!"

Grace turned and started running towards her house. "No! Wait!" Anastasia ran after her. She knew if Grace told her mother then her family would be forced to move.

Grace ran around the side of the house trying to get away from her. Anastasia ran to her until she tripped and fell. When she did that a small spark of fire flew from her hand towards Grace. Luckily, the girl wasn't hurt.

"Stay away!" She yelled backing up. At this point she was on the road. "Grace come here! You can't play in the streets, it's not safe!" "You're not safe!"

Grace had tripped on a rock and fallen in the road. Anastasia stopped walking towards her. "I promise on my life that I wouldn't hurt you." The girl apprehensively looked at her until she calmed down and went to stand up.

All Anastasia could remember next was her yelling Grace's name as a car came out of nowhere. Her friends limp body was left on the ground as the driver kept going.

The next couple of months were hard for her after that. She lost her friend and felt absolutely horrible for what happened. She continuously apologized to Grace's parents for not being able to save her.

Her parents on the other hand were a different story. She told them what had really happened and they were disappointed to say the least.

"How could you be so foolish as to reveal that to her?" Her mother yelled. "You can't do that or else you could be killed. You and Alastair are not normal and you never will be!"

That hurt Anastasia greatly, as she and her mom had a good relationship until that happened. Her father had been just like her mother been tended to keep his emotions secret. Unless he was happy of course.

"Don't worry, Ana." Alastair told her when he heard his sister crying herself to sleep. "Everything's going to be fine. If we move you'll be just fine. No one will know. We'll get another chance. Besides I'll always be here for you."

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