𝟵. talking beaver

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ooo.┊ # TALKING BEAVER ✧˖*°࿐
-ˋ 🏹 𝒐𝒓𝒑𝒉𝒊𝒄 - 𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗇𝗂𝗇𝖾

THE GROUP THEN SET OFF with Anastasia leading them. She mainly did that just so she wouldn't be around the rest of them. Lucy would help her by point out where to turn next. They had all finally gotten to the lantern and Lucy, Susan and Peter looked up at it before continuing on.

"What's wrong with Ana?" Susan whispered to the boys. "We got into an argument." Alastair whispered not wanting to get into detail. "About what?" Peter asked. "She was crying the other day and I wanted to know why and she kept pushing me away."

Edmund was listening and felt even worse at the fact that he made her cry after their conversation. "Well that's just how Ana is." Lucy broke into their conversation. "She wants to deal with it alone and push her feelings down. I don't know why, but she just needs someone there for her."

The rest of the walk was silent as they kept going to Mr. Tumnus' house.

Once they got to a hill, Alastair and Peter ran ahead and started tumbling down it with the rest following after them laughing, except for Edmund as he looked at them conflicted.

As they were turning a corner Lucy had been explaining what they could do with Mr. Tumnus. "Lots and lots of lovely food, and we'll have lots and lots of...." Lucy trailed off after looking forward and seeing Tumnus' door smashed. "Lu?" Peter asked worried.

Lucy then took off running. "Lu!" Once they got inside, the group was shocked at the sight of the trashed house.

Furniture was knocked over, papers were torn, and glass was everywhere. "Who would do something like this?" Lucy asked sadly. "I'm not sure, but we're going to find out." Alastair said determined.

Suddenly, they heard a piece of glass break and looked over to see Edmund standing on one of the pictures. "You just have to break everything, don't you." Anastasia said before she turned around.

Peter then ripped off a piece of paper stuck to the wall

"The faun Tumnus is hereby charged with high treason against Her Imperial Majesty, Jadis, Queen of Narnia, for comforting her enemies, and fraternizing with humans, signed Maugrim, Captain of the Secret Police. Long Live the Queen."

"Not really a secret if you go around telling everyone." The Beauregard girl commented earning a nudge from Susan and a glare from her brother.

Susan took the paper from Peter, "All right. Now we really should get back." "But what about Mr. Tumnus?" Lucy asked. "If he was arrested just for being with a human, I don't think there's much we can do." "She's not wrong." Anastasia commented.

"You don't understand, do you?" Alastair asked. Lucy continued his thought, "We're the humans! She must've found out he helped us!" Edmund looked away guiltily.

"Maybe we could call the police." Peter suggested. "Hello! These are the police! Or did the words 'Captain of the Secret Police' fly over your head?" Anastasia snapped. "Don't worry Lu," Alastair started, "We'll think of something."

"Why?" Edmund spoke up for the first time. "I mean, he's a criminal!" Anastasia decided to speak up. "Why are you getting so nervous?" Edmund stuttered scared he was caught "I-I'm not! Besides you probably want to leave him behind as well!"

Anastasia kept going walking towards him. "So what if I do? At least I'm not hiding it. You are. So why are you dodging all my questions?" The boy backed up because he didn't want to be in her range. But before he could respond they heard a bird, "Psst!"

Susan looked towards the sound, "Did that bird just 'psst' us?" She walked outside with the rest following after her.

They heard the snap of a twig to their right, all of their defenses immediately went up. Then they heard the sound of little footsteps to their left and turned that way. "Psst!"

Lucy, Susan, Peter, and Alastair all huddled together at the front while Edmund trailed behind them until he got shoved forward by Anastasia who was behind him.

The sounds of rustling kept going on in front of them. Ana's blue eyes turned a slight tinge of orange until a beaver popped up. 'really?' the girl thought quickly blinking her eyes.

"It...It's a beaver." Lucy stated confused. Peter slowly stuck out his hand, "Here boy." he clicked his tongue, "Here boy!" He kept sticking his hand near the beaver.

"Well I ain't gonna smell it, if that's what you want!" The beaver suddenly replied. Alastair snorted while Anastasia raised her eyebrows. "Hm. The beaver has jokes."

"Oh..sorry." Peter said embarrassed. The beaver then turned to look at Lucy and Alastair, "Lucy Pevensie? Alastair Beauregard?" he asked. Immediately the two responded "Yes?"

The beaver held out Lucy's tissue for her and she slowly took it. "Hey, that's the hankie she gave to Mr. Tum-" Alastair started before getting interrupted by the beaver. "Tumnus. He got it to me just before they took him." "Is he alright?" Lucy asked worried. The beaver looked around before whispering "Further in." and started leading them away.

Alastair gave Anastasia a look before walking after him. Anastasia followed behind slowly. "What are you doing?" Susan asked incredulously. "She's right." Edmund agreed worried for Anastasia despite the fact she was mad at him.

"What else does it look like? Following the beaver." Anastasia deadpanned to Susan before turning to walk again. "How do we know we can trust him?" Edmund asked hoping to get through to her. "We don't." Alastair shrugged.

"There's worse things than a beaver." Anastasia said still leaving the group.

"He said he knows the faun!" Peter explained as if that should be enough for them. "He's a beaver! He shouldn't be saying anything!" Susan exclaimed. "Oh for God's sake. If you want to leave then go!" Ana stated having enough of the interruptions.

Before anyone could respond to the hot-headed girl the beaver came back, "Everything alright?" He asked. "Yes." Peter quickly responded, "We were just talking." The beaver then looked around while whispering "That's better left for safer quarters." then he was off. "He means the trees" Lucy explained.

"Right. I'm sure he does." Anastasia responded blankly before walking after the beaver with the rest of the group behind her.

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