𝟲. raining on our parade

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-ˋ 🗡 𝒐𝒓𝒑𝒉𝒊𝒄 - 𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗌𝗂𝗑

AS ALASTAIR BEAUREGARD WOKE up the next morning, he immediately noticed how dim the room was. That's weird the curtains aren't closed. He thought, but as he got up and looked out the window he realized what exactly had happened. "Lucy's gonna be upset." he mumbled.

Once everyone was up and getting ready for the day the hazel-eyed boy immediately let Peter know he messed up. "Thanks for jinxing us blondie. We really appreciate it!" "Oh shove off."

"What do you mean jinxing us?" His little sister asked confused. "Oh right. While you were busy stuffing your face last night, Peter promised Lucy we could play outside, but it looks like that's not happening."

After breakfast everyone decided to head to one of the study rooms, for what reason? just to sit in there and feel sad. Peter, Alastair and Susan were playing a game Susan made up. Anastasia sat in a chair across from them finishing a painting.

Susan had told her to play the game with them, and the girl told them she had better things to do than learn. Moving on, Edmund lay under the chair she was sitting in messing with the pegs, and the youngest Pevensie was just sadly looking outside.

"Gastrovascular." Susan explained. why is she saying it so slow Ana wondered. "Come on, boys. Gastrovascular." "Potatoes?" "Is it Latin?" Came the responses from the two boys. Susan rolled her eyes and ignored Alastair's answer. "Yes!" she said to Peter.

Edmund decided it was time for his input. "Is it Latin for worst game ever invented?" He asked laying his back on the chair. "He has a point" Alastair agreed. Susan then slammed the book shut as she realized no one was really having fun with this game.

"W-we could play hide and seek!" came Lucy's suggestion. "How fun." Ana blandly commented, putting her painting to the side so it could dry.

"But we're already having so much fun!" Peter told them looking at Susan mockingly. "No we're not" Anastasia spoke again.

"Come on Peter, please!" she kept insisting. "Pretty please?" She asked pouting. please just agree so she can shut up. Anastasia thought. Edmund rolled his eyes at Lucy.

"One, two, three, four.." "What?" Edmund exclaimed

Immediately, all the kids had gotten up and started looking for a place to hide. Susan picked a cabinet, Alastair was panicking and picked a broom closet.

Anastasia hid behind a wall not really caring. Lucy was going to hide behind the curtains until Edmund ripped her away "I was here first!" The younger girl rolled her eyes and ran away from her brother.

Around 4 minutes later they suddenly heard Lucy screaming "It's alright! I'm back! I'm alright!" "Shut up!" Edmund opened the curtains, "He's coming!"

Once Peter rounded the corner Edmund huffed and got out of his place. "You know, I'm not sure you two have quite got the idea of this game." he remarked. "Weren't you wondering where I was?" Lucy asked confused as she had been gone for hours. "That's the point! That's why he was seeking you!" Edmund snapped back.

"Does this mean I win?" Susan asked walking in. "Actually I win!" exclaimed Anastasia once she saw everyone in the hallways. "Why do you win?" "...Because I said so."

"I don't think Lucy wants to play anymore." Peter told them. "I've been gone for hours!" Lucy said confused. "Are you mental? It's only been a couple of minutes." Ana told her, placing a hand on the girl's forehead, which Lucy pushed away. She then told them to follow her to the wardrobe she had been in.

"Hold on!" Ana said running off, the Pevensie's waiting for her wondering where she was going. There was a thud from behind them and Anastasia walked around the corner with Alastair behind her. "Okay let's go!"

Once they all got to the room Lucy was talking about, saying there was a magical land in the back of it, the Pevensie's immediately checked it out while the Beauregard siblings stood silently behind them wondering if it was real.

Because once you have fire coming out of you or being able to lift a house with one hand, other things tend to not be as weird.

Susan stepped into the wardrobe, pushing back the coats but found nothing except the back of the wardrobe with Edmund knocking on it from his place behind it.

"Lucy, the only wood in here is the back of the wardrobe." Susan remarked. "One game a time, Lu. We don't all have your imagination." Peter said right after.

As they were all walking away Lucy spoke up. "But I wasn't imagining!" They all turned around, "That's enough, Lucy!" Susan exclaimed tired of hearing about this. "I wouldn't lie about this!" the younger girl pleaded. "That's true." Alastair remarked. "Don't tell me you believe her!" Peter turned towards them. "So what if we do!" Ana snapped.

"Well, I believe you." Edmund spoke up. 'oh?' "You do?" Lucy asked confused. "Yeah, of course," Edmund kept going "Didn't I tell you about the football field in the bathroom cupboards?"

"Nice going, nuthead!" Ana exclaimed when Lucy started crying. She pinched his side before Alastair dragged her over to the girl.

"Oh will you just stop." Peter said having enough of his younger brothers antics. "You just have to make everything worse don't you?" "It was just a joke!" Edmund tried defending himself. "Well it wasn't a very funny one." Alastair replied. "When are you going to learn to grow up?" Peter asked. That seemed to be the last straw with Edmund as he started yelling at him.

"Shut up! You think you're Dad, but you're not!" then he walked out of the room in a fit of rage and hurt. "Well, that was nicely handled." Susan said before walking after him.

"But... It really was there." Lucy spoke up still being comforted by the Beauregard's. "Susan's right, Lucy. That's enough." Peter responded walking out.

Lucy stood there crying while Alastair shushed her. "It's alright, Lucy. If they won't believe you then we will." "Really? but why?" Lucy asked thankful that someone didn't bring her down.

"Just call it a feeling." Anastasia awkwardly told her. Seeing someone, especially a little kid, cry made her feel weird because she didn't exactly know how to comfort them.

Lucy pulled them into a hug. "Oh no that's alright...and you're going to anyways." Anastasia said trying to resist the hug. Alastair gave her a look which made her roll her eyes and let her arms limply fall at her sides.

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