𝟯𝟰. the battle

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ooo.┊ # THE BATTLE ✧˖*°࿐
-ˋ 💋 𝒐𝒓𝒑𝒉𝒊𝒄 — 𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗋𝗍𝗒-𝖿𝗈𝗎𝗋

THE GROUP CAUGHT UP TO Peter and saw him run across the yard unsheathing his sword. "Now, Ed! Now! Signal the troops!" "I'm a bit busy, Pete!" Edmund yelled back fighting a guard.

Alastair ran forward a struck down the other soldier on the ground before he and Anastasia made their way to the center of the main entrance.

"Ready?" Alastair asked. She quickly put down her bow before tying her hair back as tightly as she could. "As ready as I'll ever be." She said back.

She picked up her bow and slung it across her back before taking out her sword. Telmarines started running at them and they all met with their swords clashing.

Anastasia ducked and kicked her leg out as the person in front of her was struck with the sword she would've gotten stabbed with. She stabbed the one behind her before grabbing their sword and using it.

"For Narnia!" Peter yelled, leading the army.

As they were battling, archers had lined up on the stone walls on top of them. Edmund looked and noticed one pointed towards Peter. He quickly slid down and knocked them over gaining the attention of the other archers. "Ed!" Peter yelled warning him. The boy turned and ran into a room behind him kicking the door closed.

Anastasia's had been waiting for a while before taking a deep breath and punching someone in the face. Once she saw Edmund being targeted she decided if there was any time to use her powers, it was now.

A telmarine kicked her back and she ended up being circled by a group. The girl merely smirked before she tossed her arm out and a whip of fire flew towards the men in front of her. She jumped and threw a kick back as another whip of fire hit the men behind her.

When she landed, the girl knocked people away from her side with her telekinesis, before aiming at some archers above and shooting her arrow watching it explode.

At this point Miraz and his men had walked out and been watching from a balcony. Him and General Glozelle exchanged looks when they saw the explosion. "Where did that come from!" Miraz demanded of his men.

Anastasia and Alastair started glowing an orange and a blue color, lighting up the field. The telmarines watched as the two tore through their army with ease and precision.

They saw Anastasia turn and start running towards a wall. What surprised them was when she kept running up the wall and flipped onto a ledge and kept fighting the archers.

Peter had turned and saw Miraz standing there. The boy started running towards him as a minotaur ran ahead and started climbing up the walls. He glanced up and saw Anastasia fighting her way towards Miraz, well as close as she could get.

Once the minotaur was up there, he was about to strike Miraz until Glozelle shot him with an arrow. The minotaur roared in pain gaining the attention of the High King and Queen. They watched as Miraz pushed the minotaur off the edge letting him fall to his death.

Looking around the two noticed how much damage had affected their army seeing almost 2/3 of it gone. The girl gave Peter a look meaning 'I told you this would happen.' before jumping off the ledge and shooting down two telmarines that had been under her.

Anastasia turned and saw the gate start to fall. 'Now's a good time and try a shield.' She thought. Notching two more arrows she let them go watching them tear through the air, before landing in the stone. They formed a glittering orange shield keeping in place for however long they could. "Fall back!" She yelled, deciding to take control as Peter was not doing so good right now.

As she kept yelling fall back, Alastair noticed the shield starting to crack before using his telekinesis to keep it up. A minotaur ran over and helped as Alastair was too distracted to do it on his own.

As everyone started retreating Miraz told Glozelle to have the archers shoot. When the general hesitated, he took the crossbow before shooting the minotaur, that soon led to every archer starting to shoot.

A bright shape caught the attention of Miraz and his men. They watched as Anastasia stuck out her hands making the fire whips strike the men near her.

She then notched an arrow and shot it straight towards the opposite end of the field. What had shocked them was how fast it moved and the second it hit its mark it exploded.

"Shoot her!" Miraz ordered. Archers started aiming at her and shooting when she turned and stuck up her hands making the arrows stop before pushing them back at the archers killing them.

The girl took another arrow and aimed up at where Miraz and Glozelle were, the two men ducked just as she let it go. They watched as it ended up flying inside the castle destroying everything.

Once they stood up, they weren't expecting a dagger to come flying out and strike Miraz across his face. They looked down and saw Anastasia was staring up before she got struck in the arm with arrow.

She pulled it out, turned and shot it back at the man before continuing to fight. A pit formed in her stomach as she knew she wouldn't make it back with the rest of them. There were too many men near her.

So, she kept fighting until the gate ended up closing and whatever was left of their army was shot down.

Alastair, the Pevensie's, and Caspian left, unknowingly leaving Anastasia behind. Edmund had flown by on a Gryffin, but his attention was solely on the dead Narnian bodies on the floor.

Miraz and the rest of the men had been looking at the damage done outside and inside of the castle. One of the soldiers handed him a rag to clean his cut before they heard yelling.

They looked down and saw Anastasia was still there throwing fire around and destroying everything, until she stopped.

Some telmarines apprehended her and dragged her towards where Miraz was. "I wouldn't." She warned one of them as they went to grab her arrows. The telmarine cried out in pain as his hand was burnt. "Told you."

"Your little revolution is over." Miraz spoke down to her. The girl scoffed out a laugh. "This isn't over. In fact. This is only the beginning."

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