𝟰𝟵. talk it out

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ooo.┊ # TALK IT OUT ✧˖*°࿐
-ˋ ✨ 𝒐𝒓𝒑𝒉𝒊𝒄 — 𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖿𝗈𝗎𝗋𝗍𝗒-𝗇𝗂𝗇𝖾

LATER THAT NIGHT, Anastasia was getting ready for bed. She had on silk shorts with a lace bra. She hadn't put on a shirt yet because she was just enjoying the air on her warm skin.

Someone quietly knocked on the door and she cracked the door open. "Hey." Edmund whispered once he saw her. "Can I come in?" She nodded and let him in before locking the door again.

"Why aren't you asleep yet?" She asked - crossing her arms across her body. "I just..I wanted to talk about earlier. I promise I'll try not to get mad or upset and let you finish." "It was nothing. It wasn't that big of a deal."

"It was to me!" Edmund took a breath before continuing, knowing how much Anastasia didn't like it when he raised his voice at her. "That topic...Marriage is a big deal to me." Anastasia pursed her lips before having him sit with her.

"I don't know." She sighed. "I guess I just got scared. That I won't be good enough I mean. That maybe on day you'll find someone who actually deserves you and isn't confused with her emotions."

"Ana. I don't want anyone but you. You're all that's going through my mind. I love you more than you could ever understand. I guess seeing you after a couple of months made all these emotions come up." Anastasia smiled before letting her head rest on his shoulder.

"I mean we're still young, Ed. We still have time to live our lives out there." "Yeah. That's right....What about the kids?" Edmund patted her knee. "..I'm sure over time I'll change my viewpoint on them. But for now, they're annoyances I have to deal with everyday."

He chuckled at her words. "Can you stay with me tonight?" "Of course." Edmund was already wearing his pajamas, so he climbed into bed and waited for Anastasia.

The girl walked away to close the window and Edmund trailed his eyes over her body, only just noticing she wasn't wearing a shirt. Anastasia turned and saw his wandering eyes and chuckled.

"Don't be such a creep, Ed." "I'm allowed to look." Edmund protested and laid back once she got into bed. "Besides, I've seen you with less on." Anastasia scoffed and lightly hit his chest before turning around.

Edmund wrapped his arms around her waist and tickled her sides. "Okay, okay." She quietly exclaimed. She turned towards him and gave him a quick kiss before snuggling into his chest.

Anastasia woke up to kisses being placed on her shoulder. She groaned and turned away from whoever was doing that. "That hurt." Someone said. "Hm. That's...thats sad..." Anastasia mumbled.

"Hey!" Someone shook her. "Hm?" She opened her eyes before they slowly closed again. She felt a force land on top of her and snapped her eyes open.

"Edmund!" The boy had ended up jumping into the bed. "You weren't waking up!" She sighed but let Edmund pull her so she was sitting. "You have to stay awake this time, love."

"Can I ask you something?" "You just did but go ahead." "Yesterday..when we were all being separated..why did you call for Caspian?" "I did? I didn't even notice." "Yeah....you did." "It's not that big of a deal. But me and him have been getting closer." "Oh.."

Anastasia noticed the way Edmund was acting and rolled her eyes. "I don't think of him like I think of you." "How do you think of me?" "I think you're very sarcastic, witty, but also sweet and caring. And your face is so cute it kind of makes my eyes hurt." Edmund smiled at her. "What about Caspian?"

"I think of him...um..I guess like Alastair." She mumbled. "What was that?" "Don't make me say it again." Edmund gave her a look to speak up. "I think of him like I think of Alastair. Like an older brother. Caspian's a brother to me." "This is good. Progress." She nodded with Edmund.

"Well, I'm going to go change and I don't know exactly what you're going to do." "Probably just stay in here and lose my will to live." "Nice." Edmund nodded before pulling her closer to him. "Make sure you don't go walking around like that. Only I'm aloud to see that." He motioned to her chest before kissing her cheek and walking out.

Anastasia chuckled before putting on a flowy dress. She spent the rest of the day either locked up in her room, in Caspian's office, or out on the deck with Edmund helping him clean off the sword.

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