𝟭𝟱. the camp

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ooo.┊ # THE CAMP ✧˖*°࿐
-ˋ 🏹 𝒐𝒓𝒑𝒉𝒊𝒄 — 𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖿𝗂𝖿𝗍𝖾𝖾𝗇

        AS THE GROUP OF 7 walked into the camp, a horn went off signaling their arrival. They all walked in and looked around in awe at everything. A figure made of flower petals was formed behind Lucy which caught her attention. She turned and they both waved at each other before Lucy kept moving.

        As the 5 humans were walking through, the residents of the camp were watching and whispering about them, talking about how they're from the prophecy.

        Anastasia was slightly uncomfortable, being able to hear everyone's thoughts. She didn't think she was worthy enough to be a hero or their savior. She couldn't even save Grace. She's a selfish person, and not in a good way.

        The group looked around in awe at the sight of fauns, animals, centaurs and many more. As they walked the Narnians started to form a crowd behind them following.

        "Why are they all staring at us?" Susan asked through her smile. "They probably think you look funny. I thought that when I first met you." Anastasia said nonchalantly which caused Peter and Alastair to snort.

        Mrs. Beaver started to fix her fur for meeting Aslan. "Stop your fussing." Mr. Beaver nudged her. "You look lovely."

        Once they had reached the end of the camp in front of some stairs Peter unsheathed his sword. "We have come to see Aslan." The centaur in front of them turned to look at tent which they assumed Aslan was in.

        The crowd behind them started kneeling in respect, as the group turned back to the front they Aslan walking out. As he walked in front of the group they all kneeled down in respect as well.

        "Welcome, Peter and Alastair, Sons of Adam. Welcome Susan, Lucy, and Anastasia, Daughters of Eve. and welcome to you beavers. You have my thanks." 'his voice is soothing' Ana thought.

        "But where is the sixth?" He wondered.

        Ana sighed once he mentioned Edmund. "That's why we're here, sir." Alastair responded as they all got up. "We need your help." Peter added. "We had a little trouble along the way." Susan said. "Our brothers been captured by the White Witch." Peter said.

        "Captured? How could this happen?" Aslan asked concerned. "He betrayed them, your Majesty" Mr. Beaver said softly. Immediately the crowd started murmuring and talking, "Then he has betrayed us all!" The centaur at the front stated. "Peace, Oreius. I'm sure there's an explanation." Aslan stepped in.

        "It's my fault, really." Peter softly spoke up, "I was too hard on him." "We all were" Susan spoke comforting Peter. "Sir, he's our brother." Lucy spoke up for the first time. "I know, dear one. But that only Makes the betrayal all the worse. This may be harder than you think."

        Anastasia once again looked down and sighed.

        A little while after meeting Aslan, Alastair took it upon himself to ask Oreius to train them to be warriors. The centaur agreed wanting to see what he can do. So after a couple of hours there they were, Oreius watching Alastair learn how to fight.

        He had to give it to him. The boy was a natural learner and could immediately pick up techniques and moved fast.

        A little further away Anastasia was teaching herself how to use the bow and arrow. She had originally been watching one of the centaurs, but refused to ask for help and decided to learn on her own.

        "Take a break." Oreius told Alastair. "Why don't you go help your sister." "That's not such a good idea." "Why?" "We're not the closest siblings." "Well you have to start someday."

        Alastair begrudgingly walked up to Anastasia who noticed his presence. "What? Coming to gloat about amazing you've gotten?" She pulled back her arrow before letting it go and watching hit just the outside of the bullseye mark.

        "No actually. I've just come to observe. And maybe talk if you're up to it." "Hm. No. I don't think I will. So kindly get out of my face." Anastasia said pulling another arrow back. Alastair quickly walked in front of her. "No. I want to talk right now. And I want you to listen for once."

        Anastasia raised an eyebrow putting the bow down. Just as he went to speak Aslan came up and asked to speak to Anastasia. The two nodded before the girl followed after the lion.

        They ended up at a cliff where Peter was standing.

        "That is Cair Paravel, the castle of the six thrones," Aslan started. "In two of which you will sit, Peter, as High King, and Anastasia as High Queen." The two had an apprehensive look on their faces. "You doubt the prophecy?" he asked.

        "No. That's just it. Aslan, I'm not who you all think I am." Peter stated, feeling nervous of all of this. "Yeah me too. Trust me, you don't want someone like me being a Queen." Anastasia told him.

        "Peter Pevensie, formerly of Finchley, Beaver also mentioned that you planned on turning him into a hat." Aslan stated before he turned to her "You're Anastasia Carissa Beauregard, formerly of Finchley."

        "Peter, there is a Deep Magic, more powerful than any of us, that rules over all of Narnia. It defines right from wrong, and governs all our destinies." Aslan began explaining. "Yours, Anastasia's, and mine."

        "But I couldn't even protect my own family." Peter said upset at how he let this all turn out. "You've brought them safely this far." Aslan commented. "Not all of them" Peter thought. Anastasia nodded along with him.

        "Peter, I will do what I can to help your brother, but I need you to consider what I ask of you. I, too, want my family safe." Peter looked up then walked ahead of them to sit on closer to the edge.

        "What about you, Anastasia?" Aslan asked. "What about me?" she responded, hoping it didn't sound disrespectful. "How are you feeling with all of this?"

        Anastasia took time to think. "I don't really know how I'm feeling. Maybe overwhelmed. But I know that you really shouldn't put me as someone who these people look up to. I'm a horrible person. I couldn't save my friend and I have powers. I really only know how to protect myself."

        "You're not a bad person, Anastasia." Aslan told her. "You're a good person, who some bad things have happened to. But learn from your mistakes. Learn from any past experiences and know how to better use your abilities to protect people, not just yourself. And welcome your feelings. Let yourself understand them. Whether it's on your own or with someone else."

        Anastasia nodded before they heard the sound of Susan's horn. She, along with Peter, took off running towards where they were.

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