𝟭𝟵. the war

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ooo.┊ # THE WAR ✧˖*°࿐
-ˋ 🏹 𝒐𝒓𝒑𝒉𝒊𝒄 - 𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗇𝗂𝗇𝖾𝗍𝖾𝖾𝗇

ONCE EARLY MORNING CAME, the Beauregard's were up and sitting outside of Aslan's tent after he had left. "Do you really think we're ready for this?" Alastair asked looking over at his sister. Who was playing with blocks using her 'magic'.

"I'm not sure. But then again is anyone really ready for anything. If anything you shouldn't be worrying about that, you're strong and have a sixth sense. You'll be fine. You're fast too, so that counts."

Alastair nodded along. After 20 minutes they heard someone running towards them. Alastair looked up and saw Peter, Oreius, And Edmund running towards them. Peter went into his tent, while Oreius spoke to the siblings.

"Your Majesties, is Aslan in there?" "No." Ana spoke up still playing with her blocks, "He went to the Stone Table earlier for the sacrifice."

Peter came out."They're right. He's gone." Alastair rolled his eyes mumbling "Yeah that's what we just said." "How did you guys know?" Edmund asked. "He told us yesterday after he came out of the tent. Said it was important for us to know." Anastasia spoke attention still on the blocks.

"Then you and Ana have to lead us." Edmund told Peter. Peter looked unsure. "Peter there's an army out there and it's ready to follow you. The both of you." "I can't." Peter stated. "Aslan believed you could." Alastair spoke up "And so do I" Edmund added.

"The Witch's army is nearing, sire and dame." Oreius spoke, mentioning the girl. "What are your orders?"

Suddenly, a crash caught their attention and the group turned to see Anastasia had destroyed her blocks. She got up, her eyes a tinge of orange, and walked over to the group looking at Peter silently asking if he's ready. She got a nod in response before the two turned and started planning.

Soon they were all at the battle field, their troops at the bottom with all the archers, minus Ana and Susan, up top. Alastair, Anastasia, Peter, and Oreius stood on a platform of rocks watching as the griffin came back to report. "Wow never thought I'd see the day you were on a Unicorn." Alastair said to Peter who chuckled.

Once the griffin came down he spoke. "They come, You Highness, in numbers and weapons far greater than our own." "Numbers do not win a battle." Oreius spoke. "No." Peter agreed, "but I bet they help." "You got that right sister." Anastasia mumbled watching as the Witch's army came up.

A minotaur came up and roared down to the army signing them to come forward. Anastasia and Alastair shared a look before they turned their attention back in front of them.

"Ugly just got even uglier." The girl winced at the sight. As the Witch rode up Anastasia couldn't help but think. 'Is that supposed to be intimidating? she looks dumb'

Peter turned to Edmund who nodded, before gesturing to Anastasia. The two then took out their swords and them up in the air. The Narnia army cheered behind them, ready for battle. The minotaur then roared and the Witch's army started cheering as well.

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