𝟱𝟲. blue star

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ooo.┊ # BLUE STAR ✧˖*°࿐
-ˋ 🦋 𝒐𝒓𝒑𝒉𝒊𝒄 — 𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖿𝗂𝖿𝗍𝗒-𝗌𝗂𝗑

"I MISS MY MUMMY." Gael spoke later that night. "I miss mine too. Don't worry, you'll see her again." Lucy whispered to her.

"How do you know?" "You just have to have faith about these things. Aslan will help us." "But Aslan didn't stop her from being taken." "We'll find her. I promise. Somehow."

"Shut up." Anastasia grumbled from the other side of the girls. "The both of you." The two girls giggled before Lucy tried to sleep. Gael turned to Anastasia. "Can you hug me?" "No." "I'm scared." "Too bad."

Anastasia kept trying to sleep but opened an eye. She turned her head towards Gael and saw the girl staring at her. "Don't speak about this." She whispered taking the younger girl into her arms. Gael nodded before cuddling into Anastasia's chest.

Gael woke up to a bright light the next morning. "Lucy! Ana!" She kept shaking the two until Lucy finally woke up. "What is it?" "Look!" She pointed at the blue star.

"The Blue Star! Everybody! Everybody wake up! It's the Blue Star!" Lucy exclaimed. Everyone slowly got up and turned to the sky. They all quickly got up and started packing everything up.

Well, Anastasia was just sitting on a rock trying not to fall asleep. Edmund carefully walked over to her and she rolled her eyes. "We have to go, Ana. And don't say you can walk alone because you were tripping over yourself right now."

The girl sighed in defeat and opened her arms. He carried her bridal style and walked towards the boats. Once they were safely inside, he placed her across his lap so she could sleep a little longer.

"I hope you know I'm still mad at you." She mumbled. "I know." "I can't do this anymore, Ed." Edmund's heart skipped a beat at her words. "What do you mean?" "The arguing and using the mist as an excuse. I can't do that anymore." She told him before falling asleep.

He sighed and pressed his cheek against her head. Once they got to the ship he woke her up again. "Love." This time she got up a little easier. She stood up and climbed onto the ship before going to her room and sleeping for a little longer.

When she woke up she realized they were near Ramandu's Island. She was excited because she would get to see Lilliandil again. But then there was that bad feeling of something happening there. She assumed it had to do with the fact that the Dark Island was nearby.

The girl noticed the ship start to slow down, so she quickly ran up to the bow of the ship. Thankfully no one noticed her due to her light steps.

She looked around and saw Eustace flying by. "Hey you!" The dragon looked at her. "Grab the bow and help me push this ship to the shore." He gave her a look but nodded.

Eustace used his tail and grabbed the bow to start pulling it. She kept her balance and pushed her arms forward this time so the waves could help it move easier.

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