𝟱𝟰. bad dream

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ooo.┊ # BAD DREAM ✧˖*°࿐
-ˋ 🦋 𝒐𝒓𝒑𝒉𝒊𝒄 — 𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖿𝗂𝖿𝗍𝗒-𝖿𝗈𝗎𝗋

EDMUND TOSSED AND TURNED in the hammock he was in. He and Anastasia had another small argument before bed so they decided it was best to get a couple of hours space before speaking in the morning.

Honestly, he wished him and Anastasia wouldn't argue as much as they've done recently, but they've taken into account that things have been weird around here.

But the reason he was uneasy was the nightmare he just had. He doesn't know exactly what happened, but all he knows is that it had been in their world and not Narnia.

He was somewhere in the woods calling out for the group as they had all gotten separated before he heard a scream. One he wished he never had to hear. "Ana." He whispered before taking off in the direction of it.

There he saw the girl was getting attacked by something he didn't care to take account of. All he registered was her cries and her desperately trying to crawl away. His body rammed into what was attacking her and it took off.

The rest was blurry as he could only remember picking her up and getting to somewhere more secure. Once there, he sat down and laid her body across his lap and finally took in her wounds. There was bruises all over her, blood around her mouth, and an animal bite on her side along with more scratches and bites over her body.

"Ana." He quietly called her name and the girl whimpered in pain as she looked up at him. "You're going to be okay." He told her and gripped her hand, their fingers intertwining as she squeezed it in pain.

They were there for 5 more minutes as Anastasia kept saying it hurts. Edmund's heart hurt as well knowing he couldn't do anything to help her. "Ed." She finally whimpered, her breathing getting shallower.

"Yes, love?" He reached up to push hair out of her face. "You're not healing." He said before she could continue. "Why aren't you...I don't understand." Edmund worriedly looked over her.

"Edmund.. you have to.." She trailed off as she picked up a knife that was next to them. Of course, thinking back on it now, it didn't make sense how she got one, but it was a nightmare. He shook his head as tears sprang in his eyes. "Please." Her voice shook as she pleaded with him.

"No." He quietly whimpered. "It hurts, Ed. Please." Anastasia kept asking him as he started crying. "For me?" Edmund closed his eyes in heartbreak as he kissed her forehead. "It's okay."

He moved her up so she was leaning on his shoulder - her hands going under his arm to grip the back of it. Anastasia's whimpers kept getting louder as the pain got too unbearable. "I'm sorry." Edmund quietly whispered before shoving the knife into her back.

The girl's whimpers immediately quieted as her body fell limp against his. Edmund sobbed and pulled the knife out before hugging her limp body.

From there he woke up with a start before realizing it wasn't real. The boy laid back and stared at the wall as lightning would shine every now and then.

Anastasia deeply breathed in as she got up onto her elbows when a hand shook her awake. She blinked for a couple of seconds before looking up at whoever woke her.

"Edmund?" She groggily asked. "Can I stay here? Please?" The girl went to argue when she saw the state he was in. His eyes were panicked though he tried to hide it by blinking a lot to make it seem like he was sleepy.

"Sure." She finally whispered and moved over. The boy immediately slipped in and snuggled into her. "What's wrong?" She quietly asked, her hand carding through his hair as the other rubbed his back.

"Bad dream." Was all he told her and she nodded - deciding not to pry more into it. He moved away and lightly pushed her onto her back. When she did what he silently asked, he rolled onto her and laid his head over her heart.

It didn't take much for Anastasia to know it was a dream about something happening to her, mainly because when those dreams happened he got extra clingy, not that she minded.

"It's alright, bub. I'm okay." She quietly told him before kissing his forehead. The boy numbly nodded and fell asleep on her chest, Anastasia following soon after.

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