𝟯𝟮. i love you

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ooo.┊ # I LOVE YOU ✧˖*°࿐
-ˋ 💋 𝒐𝒓𝒑𝒉𝒊𝒄 — 𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗋𝗍𝗒-𝗍𝗐𝗈

        EVERYONE STOOD IN THE ROOM where the Stone Table was. It took a lot of convincing for Anastasia and Alastair to step foot in the room. Peter, Caspian, and Anastasia stood in the middle getting ready to brainstorm a plan.

        "It's only a matter of time." Peter started. "Miraz's men and their war machines are on their way." Anastasia had a lot of thinking to do as she was half and half. It could really go either way. They stay here and run out of food and supplies or go and risk losing half their army.

        "That means those same men aren't protecting his castle." She heard Peter say. "Yes. Because there's more men back there protecting the new child." She told everyone. Peter glared at her and made a gesture to back him up. She rolled her eyes in response.

        "What do you propose we do, your Majesty?" Reepicheep spoke up. "We need to get ready for it." "To start planning for..." Peter and Caspian both spoke up. "Our only hope is to strike them before they strike us." Peter continued once Caspian turned away.

        "That's crazy. No one has ever taken that castle." Caspian said. "There's always a first time." Peter responded. "We'll have the element of surprise." Trumpkin said.

        "We have the advantage here!" Caspian insisted. "If we dig in, we could probably hold them off indefinitely." Susan spoke. Peter gave her a look.

        "Besides." Anastasia spoke up. "They have twice as much of our army right now."

        "I, for one, feel safer underground." Trufflehunter spoke up. "Look, I appreciate what you've done here, but this isn't a fortress. It's a tomb." Peter told Caspian.

        is all this arguing between them really just a testosterone filled battle between teenage boys? Ana thought unbelievably as she finally figured it out.

        "Yes. and if they're smart, the telmarines will just wait and starve us out." Edmund said. 'I love you but please shut the hell up right now.' Anastasia thought.

        "Please stop." Anastasia raised her hands. "You're all making me nauseous with your toxic masculinity. It's a bad idea. End of." "How would you know what's a bad idea? Last time I checked you're this all mighty girl who's powerful." Alastair quipped back.

        She rolled her eyes knowing he just wanted to do whatever it takes to reclaim his position as 'Protecter'.

        "You of all people should know I've had bad ideas." "Okay and what are they then?" Peter spoke up. The rest of the room stayed quiet watching the the two boys target the girl who calmly regarded them. "All we know is you're too scared and insecure of yourself to not do anything." "Peter!" Susan scolded him.

        "No, he's absolutely right. You don't know anything about what I think. Let me start now. I think I could sit here and talk about how our mother favored Alastair over me. She was afraid of what I was. My own mother thought I was a monster." Anastasia stared at the fire around the room. "She was right of course, but it still hurt."

        Alastair disregarded this for another time and kept digging at her. "You're being selfish right now." He spoke and Anastasia clenched her jaw. Edmund clenched his own jaw and narrowed his eyes at Alastair - knowing full well he was trying to play on Anastasia's emotions.

        "If you really think this is a good idea. Then fine. But we'll see just who's selfish in the end." She spat towards the two and walked out.

        As Anastasia finished strapping on the last piece of her armor someone knocked on her room. Well, it was just one she found somewhere and managed to form a makeshift room.She looked at the door confused before thinking maybe someone finally found her hideout.

        "Who is it?" "Edmund." "Go away please." There was silence before he knocked again. "Who is it now?" "Milkman!" "There are no milkmen around here." A pause. "..Cow!"

        She finally gave in and pulled the door open. "Hi!" Edmund cheerfully responded walking in. "Oh yeah come in. It's not like I didn't ask you or something."

        "Don't listen to Peter and Alastair. They doesn't know what they're talking about." "They're angry. When you're angry those emotions come from somewhere inside you, even if it's deep down." "Just don't listen. You've made a lot of progress. You're not gonna be brought down just because they're being prats and calling you names. I won't let you bring yourself down anymore."

        "You won't?" Anastasia turned to look at him from the corner she was standing in. "No. You've worked too hard for that. But if you happen to bring yourself down, I'll help you out of it just like before. I'd do anything for you."

        "I love you." Edmund felt his heart pause. Ever since they got back, Anastasia had either had trouble saying it like before or her mind was going a thousand miles and she would forget to say it. "You what?" "Don't make me say it again." Anastasia shook her head - already wanting to take her words back.

        He walked up and grabbed her face. She was able to see the joy in his eyes and started feeling better. "Say it again, please." "I love you." She smiled. "I love you too."

        The two smiled at each other before Edmund took a short breath. "Since we've said we love each other, I think it's fitting that I ask you this." He looked at Anastasia who raised her eyebrows in question. "Will you be my girlfriend?" "I already was, but for the mood, Yes."

        Anastasia smiled before bringing him into a passionate kiss. Edmund's eyebrows furrowed as he put a hand on the back of Anastasia's head - the girl putting her hands on his neck to pull herself closer. They poured all their love into that gesture before pulling away.

        Their breaths fanned each other's faces as their noses touched. She smiled as Edmund grabbed her hand- placing a kiss on the palm - before hugging her tight. "I love you so much, and I'm going to make sure nothing hurts you ever again."

        That was a promise Anastasia knew wouldn't be fulfilled as horrible things seemed to follow her around, but she appreciated that he'd do anything for her.

ˏˋ⚔️°⁺ ⁀➷ GABS SPEAKS!
i changed some of the things in here so it would make more sense in my other book.

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