𝟴. finally visiting

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ooo.┊ # FINALLY VISITING ✧˖*°࿐
-ˋ 🗡 𝒐𝒓𝒑𝒉𝒊𝒄 - 𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖾𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍

"EDMUND?" He heard a voice call. He looked over and saw it was Lucy with Alastair right behind. "Oh Edmund! You got in too! Isn't it wonderful?" She asked tackling him in a hug. Alastair just patted his shoulder before moving back.

"Where have you been?" Edmund asked, pulling Lucy away from him. "With Mr. Tumnus" Alastair responded this time. "He's fine." Lucy continued. "The White Witch hasn't found anything about him meeting us!"

"The White Witch?" He asked hesitantly. Alastair looked around before leaning towards him, "She calls herself the Queen of Narnia." "But she really isn't." Lucy continued. Since when did these weirdos finish sentences. Edmund thought.

"Are you alright?" "You look awful!" The two, yet again, continued sentences. "Well what do you expect? I mean, it's freezing, and stop doing that! How do you get out of here?" "Come on." Lucy grabbed their hands, "This way."

Once they finally got out of the wardrobe, Lucy dragged them all the way to Peter and Edmunds room. "Peter, Peter, wake up!" She jumped on him, "Peter, wake up! It's there! It's really there!" The boy turned and shushed her trying to get her to calm down before she wakes up everyone else in the house.

"Lucy, what are you talking about?" He asked hoarsely as Edmund and Alastair calmly walked into the room. "Narnia!" She exclaimed. "It's all in the wardrobe like I told you!" At this point Susan had walked in as well.

Everyone was there except for the youngest Beauregard as she stayed in her room, not wanting to see everyone else.

"You've just been dreaming, Lucy." Susan told her wanting her to stop her imagination. "But I haven't!" She insisted, "I saw Mr. Tumnus again! And this time Edmund and Alastair went too."

Said boys quickly looked up from the bed as they heard their names. "You..." Peter hesitated, "You saw the faun?" "Yeah, why else would I be here if I didn't?" Alastair responded. "Alastair stop! You don't have to keep pretending for Lucy's sake." Susan responded.

"Wow some family you guys are. I know what I saw and it was real. Maybe it's time you all stop being rude and start being there for your sister." Alastair responded before getting up and leaving to his and Anastasia's room.

'maybe i should take my own advice.'

Once he got there and saw his sister awake. "What was all that about?" "Them not believing Lucy about Narnia." "Hm. And I'm assuming that's where you were." "Yeah."

The two sat in silence before Anastasia tried to sleep again. "Why were you crying earlier?" Alastair asked. "Nothing important. Just thinking of something sad." "Well it's still important if it made you cry." "No it's not! I'm fine!" "Just let me help you!" "I don't want your help!" "Fine! Just go back to being the insensitive brat you are! No wonder nobody likes you."

Anastasia gave him a look before grabbing a blanket and her pillow and walking out. "Ana wait!" Alastair pleaded but it fell on deaf ears as she left. It seemed like every time the siblings tried to mend their relationship, their tempers got the best of them.

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