𝟮𝟰. the fight

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ooo.┊ # THE FIGHT ✧˖*°࿐
-ˋ 💋 𝒐𝒓𝒑𝒉𝒊𝒄 — 𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗍𝗐𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗒-𝖿𝗈𝗎𝗋

        IT WAS MORNING BEFORE SCHOOL and Anastasia had just finished getting ready. She was wearing a white button up blouse, with a black skirt and a blazer type cream jacket over it. Her hair was straight down her back with a small pin in it, she wore black heels, and had a small purse with her.

        She would've normally been wearing the uniform, but she had a presentation in class that day. Normally she wouldn't care, but this determined if she was able to go up a year into where the other kids her age were.

        Alastair stood in the doorway. "Come on, ugly stepsister. Mom and Dad are gonna kill us if we're late to the station." "Whatever. Let's go."

        Edmund had been walking with his siblings to meet up with the Beauregard's. "You look like you have the runs, Edmund." Susan told him. The boy was tightly gripping his bag straps, his body was tensed, and had a weird look on his face. "Oh. Sorry."

        "Guys!" They looked and saw Alastair and Anastasia heading their way. Edmund's breath caught in his throat looking at Anastasia. That soon turned into a small glare when he saw some boys from their school staring at her.

        These certain boys always tried to make a move on the girl, but were always stopped by Edmund or the other two boys in their group.

        "Hey." Anastasia told the group - giving them a small nod in acknowledgment. She turned to Edmund and awkwardly smiled before giving him a hug when he started pulling her further away from the group. "Um. What are you doing?"

        "Nothing. I just wanted to walk over here." Anastasia gave him an incredulous look. "It's not like we couldn't walk over there or something." He lightly rolled his eyes at her.

        "Why are you so dolled up? Have a date or something?" "Maybe if you actually listened to me, Edmund, you'd realize I have a big presentation today." "I do listen to you!" Anastasia gave him a look. "Okay, so I maybe I don't sometimes. I'll work on that!"

        He tugged her closer to him before wrapping his arm around her waist. "I'm sure you will." "But I do know most things you've told me." She raised an eyebrow wanting him to continue.

        "I know you like to tie your hair up with a ribbon because regular hair ties damage your hair. You don't like when people talk to you like you're a child. I know you get cold really easily, which is why I have an extra jumper in my bag. And you also like fruits. Especially if they're covered in chocolate."

        "Color me impressed. Maybe you do listen to me." She beamed up at him. "It's something I pride myself in." "Right. I'm sure you do." A small smile bloomed on her face, Edmund's lips forming one of his own at the sight.

        "Speaking of which. I have chocolate covered raisins in my bag...if you want to share. I mean it's fine if you don't want to." The girl rambled rubbing the back of her neck while looking around. Edmund chuckled before grabbing her hand.

        "I'd love to share your chocolate."

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