𝟯𝟵. duel preparations

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-ˋ 🤍 𝒐𝒓𝒑𝒉𝒊𝒄 — 𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗋𝗍𝗒-𝗇𝗂𝗇𝖾

        ANASTASIA GRUMBLED AS SHE walked alongside Caspian and Peter. Edmund had managed to win their little argument after the meeting earlier and now the boy was off making the declaration for the duel while she was stuck with Caspian and Peter. Not that she didn't like them, she just wanted to be out there.

        It was also pretty stupid how he won and Anastasia refused to tell anyone when they saw Edmund leaving without her. The boy had ended up shoving her into the wall while pinning her hands next to her and speaking with a huskier voice. Needless to say, it wasn't one of Anastasia's best moments.

        "This is not what I meant. This is my fight." Caspian told Peter and Anastasia. "Well, considering we tried that and it failed, horribly might I add, Peter is the next best option." Anastasia patted his shoulder.

        "Look." Peter started while turning to Caspian, letting Anastasia squeeze by so she was on the other side of them. "If there's ever going to be peace with the Telmarines, you have to be the one who brings it." "How can I if you won't let me?"

        "Not like this, boyscout." Anastasia softly shook her head as the three walked into the room where Peter's things were. "If I don't make it..." Peter trailed off. "Which is not going to happen. You'll make it." Alastair - who was in the room - told him before continuing to fix his things.

        "Narnia's future is in your hands." Peter turned to Caspian while Anastasia stood next to him. It pained her heart at having to hand over the position to someone else but she knew it had to be done. And Caspian would make a fine King if he gained some dignity.

        "What about you? And Anastasia?" Caspian asked. "I was thinking about a career in medicine." Peter told him before walking away. "I was thinking about getting my paintings in those big museums." Anastasia smiled at Caspian and stood next to the table.

        Trumpkin gave Peter a look as he held out his helmet. The boy slowly took it and stared down at it. "Your highness?" Alastair, Anastasia, and Peter all glanced up at the bear who was on the opposite side of the table.

        "Yes?" Peter quietly asked as he set down the helmet. "I-I'm a bear, I am." "And a fine one I'm sure." Peter smiled as he turned to grab his shield that Anastasia held out for him. "B-Begging your pardon, but tradition holds that you pick your marshalls."

        "He's right." Caspian spoke up. "You need to choose your seconds." "Don't let him. He'll just fall asleep and suck his paws." Trumpkin told Peter while staring the bear down.

        "Sire, my life is forever at your command but I have thought perhaps, I might be sent for this challenge." Peter, Alastair, and Anastasia chuckled at Reepicheep's words.

        "As you know, my good Reepicheep, many humans are afraid of mice. It really wouldn't be fair if Miraz had anything in sight that would further dilute his courage." Peter told him. "Of course. Your majesty is the mirror of honor. That is exactly what I was thinking."

        "Caspian." Peter turned to the boy who stood from his place against the wall. "Tell Glenstorm I want him, Ed, Ana, Al, and.." "Please." The bear spoke up causing Peter to turn towards him. "Your majesty."

        "It is your right." Peter stated. "And my honor. But you must remember not to suck your paws." As they all turned away Trumpkin groaned.

        "He's doing it right now." The bear quickly took his paw out of his mouth. "Are you sure you're ready for this?" Peter asked. "Are you sure that you are?" Caspian spoke up.

        Peter turned to look at him and pursed his lips. Anastasia sighed but hoped everything would go well. If not...she'd do something.

        "Excuse me." Anastasia brushed by some people as she just about ran through the Howe. "Anastasia!" Edmund called after her and she winced at the full name but kept running.

        After Edmund got back from Miraz's camp, they all told him he would be one of Peter's seconds. He was fine with it until he heard Anastasia was one. Before he could've said anything the girl had said 'no take backs' and quickly walked away, leaving Edmund to chase after her.

        Anastasia finally made it outside and ran to the backside of the Howe. Just as she started slowing down a body crashed into hers. She groaned as she hit the floor and Edmund ended up on top of her.

        "Sorry. I overestimated." He mumbled and raised himself onto his hands. "It's fine. Just get off and we'll go back." She told him and tried to push him off. "No, no, no." He shook his head and stayed in place. Anastasia huffed - already knowing where this was going.

        "I'm going to be there, Ed. End of." "No. It's not 'end of.' You're going to be up with the archers!" "They already have Trumpkin until Susan gets back! Besides, Peter already chose me!" "Than I guess we'll have to tell Peter no."

        Edmund went to get up but Anastasia pushed him over and had him pinned to the ground instead. Edmund glared at her and she glared right back, both of them having stubborn natures that either increased or decreased around the other.

        "I'll be fine, love. You'll be right there the whole time and so will Alastair." She softened her eyes - resting her body on his and cupping his cheeks. Edmund reached a hand up to place it on hers and sighed. "I know, but I worry. Even more than before."

        "What happened before wasn't your fault, Edmund." The boy bit his lip and looked away. "Think of it this way. You know me. Right?" He confusedly nodded and looked back at her. "Then you should know that I let myself get caught. If I didn't want to get caught I would've gotten out of there or destroyed the castle on my own. But now, since I actually don't want to get caught, nothing will catch me off guard."

        Edmund raised a disbelieving eyebrow before flipping them over again - this time laying his body on hers as he cupped her face. "And what was that?" "You're not that much of a threat to me." He went to protest but shrugged and realized if it really came down to it, Anastasia would kick his ass without struggle.

        "Alright. But you stay by me the whole time." Anastasia nodded and brought him into a kiss. "You know I would've still done it even if you said not to, right?" She murmured when they pulled away. "Sh." Edmund quietly told her before leaning down again.

        Anastasia smiled and kissed him back. Even though he was overbearing at times, Edmund always had his heart set in the right intentions.

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