𝟱. rules

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ooo.┊ # RULES ✧˖*°࿐
-ˋ 🏹 𝒐𝒓𝒑𝒉𝒊𝒄 - 𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖿𝗂𝗏𝖾

"COME ON. Come on girl." Mrs. Macready was telling the horse while using the whip. isn't that technically animal cruelty? Anastasia thought. While they were riding up the group of 6 looked up and saw a huge house, almost like a school.

As they walked into the house Anastasia's eyes were immediately drawn everywhere as everything was so new and the artist in her was having a field day.

"Professor Kirke is not accustomed to having children in this house." Mrs. Macready explained. "Then why have us?" Ana wondered until she noticed Mrs. Macready heard and glared slightly.

The petite girl looked away in embarrassment as her brother quietly started laughing and nudged her with his arm. Anastasia rolled her eyes before shoving him away.

"As such, there are a few rules we need to follow" Mrs. Macready kept going. oh boy here we go She turned around to look at Ana, "There will be no shoutin'. or runnin'." As she walked away Anastasia looked at her in confusion.

"No improper use of the dumbwaiter" as she said this Susan reached out to touch something. "No touchin' of the historical artifacts!" Susan quickly pulled back her hand in shock. Peter and Edmund gave each other a look at that.

"And above all," she continued leading them up a small stairway, "there shall be no disturbin' of the Professor." 'it's not like i wanted to see him anyways.' Ana thought.

Mrs. Macready then started leading them all to their rooms. Susan and Lucy had one, Edmund and Peter, and finally Alastair and Anastasia. Much to her dismay, but she couldn't really argue as this wasn't her house.

They were all left to unpack however much they wanted to as long as they didn't make a mess. Ana quickly took out her canvases and paint and put them on the desk in their room.

She then grabbed a different pair of clothes to change into as she wanted to take a nap. Alastair on the other hand took out bunch of other knickknacks he had while relaxing on the bed.

"Wake me up if someone dies or there's food." "So throw you out the window and leave you starve? got it." "Leave."

Alastair chuckled as he decided to go around and explore "Love you!" he called. "Whatever!" came the faint reply.

Night time soon came and the group found themselves in Susan and Lucy's room, except for the youngest Beauregard and the second youngest Pevensie. Which was because Edmund had taken some food up to Anastasia and woke her up which led to her being angry, but once he gave her the food she shut up.

"You have the appetite of a lumberjack." Edmund told her. "I don't think I asked your opinion. Besides, at least I don't look like one." "Oh you wish you could look like me." The boy got up and looked at himself in the mirror. "There's not much to look at."

"I could say the same for you." "What's that supposed to mean?" Anastasia asked with an offended face. "Oh nothing." Edmund quickly said walking out. "Get back over here!" The girl yelled after him but he ignored her.

She huffed before returning to her 'dinner'. Which was just a bunch of desert. 'I mean...I guess I do have the appetite of a lumberjack. Is that okay?'

Back in Susan's room, Peter was standing by the window listening to the radio, Alastair was sitting on the bed looking around, and Susan was getting ready for bed. "German aircraft carried out a number of attacks on Great Britain last night-" as the radio turned off Peter whipped around towards Susan who then gestured to a crying Lucy with her head.

"The sheets feel scratchy." She quietly said. "Wars don't last forever, Lucy. We'll be home soon." Alastair replied comfortingly.

"Yeah, if home is still there." came the reply from the narcissist they called Edmund. why can't he just shut up for once? Alastair thought rolling his eyes.

"Isn't it time you were in bed?" Susan asked. "Yes mum!" "Ed!" exclaimed Peter having enough. The boy shut his mouth while rolling his eyes.

"You saw outside. This place is huge!" Peter went back to consoling Lucy. "We can whatever we want here. Tomorrow's going to be great. Really."

After that they all immediately headed to bed. On the way to is room, Alastair saw Edmund walking out quickly with a slight pep in his step which cause him to falter slightly. what..just happened he thought. He quickly went into his room and saw his flushing sister getting ready for bed.

"What happened?" he carefully asked. "Nothing! Shut up!" Alastair rolled his eyes and got ready for bed.

What really happened was Edmund had walked in and gave the girl a quick kiss on her cheek before walking out. She didn't want to deal with the teasing or Alastair wanting to talk about her feelings, so she decided lying was the better choice.

She would also be lying if she said she didn't get butterflies in her stomach when Edmund did that.

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