𝟯𝟯. the invasion

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ooo.┊ # THE INVASION ✧˖*°࿐
-ˋ 🤍 𝒐𝒓𝒑𝒉𝒊𝒄 — 𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗋𝗍𝗒-𝗍𝗁𝗋𝖾𝖾

        ANASTASIA, ALASTAIR, CASPIAN, Peter, Susan, and Trumpkin all flew in on griffins once Edmund gave them the signal. Flying by, Caspian leaned down and striked a soldier on a rooftop. As Edmund was signaling them a telmarine saw him and went to shoot but was struck down by Susan.

        Alastair quickly jumped off his griffin and struck down the other telmarine that had been there. The rest quickly jumped off after him.

        Making their way to the edge, Caspian tied a rope and threw the other end, climbing down. Anastasia and Peter quickly went down after him and watched as he unlocked the window with a dagger.

        They opened it and jumped in looking for Caspian's Professor. "I have to find him." Caspian stated. "You don't have time. You need to get the gate open." Peter told him. "There's never been enough time." Anastasia grumbled.

        She made it very clear on the way there that this was a bad idea. The only reason she was going was because Edmund had managed to convince her by letting her use his arms as a canvas and wearing the flower crown she'd always wanted to make him.

        "You wouldn't be here without him. and neither would I." Caspian told them. "Great." Alastair mumbled. "You two and I can deal with Miraz. Anastasia can go with Caspian." "I didn't say that." "And we can still get to the gate in time." Caspian stated. "I still didn't agree to this!"

        The group ignored her as Caspian turned and jogged out of the room - Anastasia grumbling as she followed him.

        When they got to the dungeons, Anastasia stood guard at the door while Caspian freed the Professor. She heard them speaking before the Professor said, "Don't underestimate Miraz as your father did." She face palmed - having a good hunch on what's going to happen next.

        "What are you talking about?" Caspian asked. "I'm sorry." Caspian ran out of the dungeons towards Miraz's room. "Son of a - You know you're really no help at all." Anastasia mumbled to the Professor before going after Caspian.

        "Caspian! We have to go!" "This won't take long!" The two bickered on their way to Miraz's room. Though Anastasia couldn't blame him. If it was her she would've done the same thing.

        Actually...she is going to blame him, because the Professor clearly had the answers but everyone's just ignoring her advice recently.

        Once at Miraz's room the two walked in quietly, Anastasia notching an arrow. Caspian unsheathed his sword and pressed it against Miraz's neck, which woke him up.

        "Thank goodness you're safe." Miraz chuckled. "Get up." Caspian demanded. Miraz stood waking Prunaprisma. "Ugh. I did not sign up for this family reunion." Anastasia mumbled to herself.

        "Caspian?" Prunaprisma asked. "Stay where you are." He told her. "What are you doing?" She demanded.

        "I should think it's obvious, dear. Some families might consider this inappropriate behavior." Miraz said. "That doesn't seem to have stopped you!" Caspian stated. "But you are not like me, are you?" His uncle asked him.

        "It's sad. The first time you've shown..." The rest was lost on Anastasia as she noticed Prunaprisma moving towards the crossbow above her. The girl quickly shot her arrow towards the crossbow, shattering it completely.

        Prunaprisma moved back in shock, as Miraz looked over at Anastasia. The girl didn't notice but her eyes and hair had lit on flames.

        "So this is the great Phoenix mentioned in every Narnian story." Anastasia raised her eyebrow. "And you're the old hag no one likes." Prunaprisma grabbed another crossbow and loaded it.

        "Put the sword down Caspian. I don't want to do this." "Where the hell did you get that?" Anastasia questioned notching another arrow. "We don't want you to either." Susan spoke up as the rest quickly barged into the room. Prunaprisma looked around not knowing who to put the crossbow on until she kept it at Caspian.

        "This used to be a private room." Miraz stated. "What are you doing?" Alastair asked. "You're supposed to be in the gatehouse." Peter added. "No! Tonight, for once, I want the truth. Did you kill my father?" Caspian demanded of Miraz.

        "He did." Anastasia spoke up. "And how would you know that?" Miraz asked her. "I looked through your memories while you were talking. Besides, it's painfully obvious." She stated which had been the reason her eyes were orange.

        "You said your brother died in his sleep." Prunaprisma looked towards Miraz, shocked. "Oh he did. Your husband murdered him while he was sleeping."

        "Caspian, this won't make things any better." Susan spoke up. "It might." "Shut up." Alastair whispered to Anastasia when she kept mumbling things. "We telmarines would have nothing had we not taken it." Miraz spoke. "Your father knew that as well as anyone."

        "How could you?" Prunaprisma asked shocked. "For the same reason you will pull that trigger. For our son." Miraz stated getting closer to Caspian. "You need to make a choice, dear. Do you want our child to be King? or fatherless?" he asked

        Just as he finished Prunaprisma yelled and pulled the trigger. The arrow was flying towards Caspian, but Alastair put a force field around him. Susan shot her arrow towards Miraz but she missed. why is she yelling for no reason? Anastasia thought before shooting her in the side with her arrow.

        The group quickly ran out into the hallways as bells started going off alerting everyone in the castle. "You just had to shoot her?" Alastair asked. "She was yelling for no reason so I gave her a reason to yell."

        "Peter!" Susan yelled when the boy went down a different hallway. "Our troops are just outside! Come on!" He said continuing to run. "I would say I'm going to kill him, but that's going to happen anyways tonight." Anastasia exclaimed running after him.

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