𝟮𝟬. coronation day

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ooo.┊ # CORONATION DAY ✧˖*°࿐
-ˋ 🗡 𝒐𝒓𝒑𝒉𝒊𝒄 - 𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗍𝗐𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗒

With horns blowing, the group of humans new it was time to get crowned Kings and Queens. Anastasia finished looking at herself in the mirror.

She was wearing a red dress with a white cloak over it along with a necklace Ms. Beaver gave her. A knock was heard the the door. "Coming!" Once she opened the door she noticed her brother standing there.

"Wow, I can't believe I'm gonna say this but you look nice." Alastair rolled his eyes smiling. "You look great too, but let's get going."

They met up with the Pevensie's and lined up in order. Edmund, Alastair, Peter, Anastasia, Susan, and Lucy. Once they got outside the doors Aslan stood between Peter and Ana before leading them inside.

As they walked inside the centaurs had their swords up in an arc before lifting them as the kids walked by. The group then walked up to their thrones.

"To the glistening eastern sea, I give you Queen Lucy, the Valiant."

"To the great western wood, I give you King Edmund, the Just."

"To the radiant southern sun, I give you Queen Susan, the Gentle."

"To the highest mountain peaks, I give you King Alastair, the Protector."

"To the fiery depths in the land, I give you Queen Anastasia, the Selfless."

"and To the clear northern skies, I give you King Peter, the Magnificent."

The group then all stepped back and sat in their thrones. "Once a King or Queen of Narnia, always a King or Queen." Aslan stated. "May your wisdom grace us until the stars rain down from the heavens."

"Long live King Peter!"
"Long live King Alastair!"
"Long live King Edmund!"
"Long live Queen Anastasia!"
"Long live Queen Susan!"
"Long live Queen Lucy!"

The crowd yelled, excited as the Golden Age was just beginning.

Once the coronation had ended the after party begun. The new Kings and Queens had all been walking around talking, meeting everyone, dancing, or eating. Anastasia had been with Peter talking about how the two feel to be reigning as High King and High Queen.

"Do you think we'll do a good job leading these people? I feel weird. Like I'm about to throw up." "Okay. First, don't do that. Second, I'm not sure if we are but they all seem to think we can do it." "Hm." Anastasia pursed her lips before Peter went to look at something. She wasn't really listening to him.

She looked around noticing she was near the food. Chocolate covered strawberries were in front of her along with other sweets. The girls quickly stuffed her mouth with the food.

"What are you doing?" Edmund asked walking over. "Stress eating." The girl kept going and Edmund was scared she would choke. "Let's not do that. Why are you stressed?"

"What if I'm not the Queen these people want me to be." Anastasia sighed. It seems that even though she just led a war she was still nervous about not being good enough.

"You will be. Even if it's not right now. You have a lot of work to do with yourself before you start leading the Narnians." Edmund told her. The girl nodded before continuing to eat. "What's wrong now?" "Nothing I'm just hungry."

That's how the two spent the rest of the night. Eating and dancing with the rest of their family

Life was good for them the next couple of years as they slowly forgot their world outside Narnia.

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