𝟭𝟯. santa

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ooo.┊ # SANTA ✧˖*°࿐
-ˋ 🏹 𝒐𝒓𝒑𝒉𝒊𝒄 - 𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗋𝗍𝖾𝖾𝗇

THE NEXT MORNING, the group was then walking across a canyon. It was slightly slippery which unnerved them until Alastair had the idea to let Anastasia go first and heat up the snow for them. They were hesitant until Anastasia pushed pass all of them and started melting the snow as she kept walking.

Once they reached the end the group stopped and stared at the view. "Now, Aslan's camp is near the stone table just across the frozen river." Mr. Beaver explained. "River?" Peter asked baffled. "The river's been frozen solid for a hundred years." Mrs, Beaver calmly explained. "Well let's hope it doesn't melt when I walk on it!" Came Anastasia's sarcastic reply to which everyone, but the beavers, rolled their eyes.

"It's so far." Alastair stated once he looked back across the land. "It's the world, dear. How small did you think it would be?" Mrs. Beaver asked. "Smaller." Susan softly replied. The group then kept walking to not was so much time.

The group were then all treading through snow carefully, The only source of heat they had was Anastasia, but the girl didn't do much as she said everything around them would melt and the fire would attract the Witch.

She knew that was a total lie and that she just didn't want to use her powers right then and there.

"Come on humans! While we're still young!" Mr. Beaver said. "If he tell us to hurry one more time I'm going to turn him into a big, fluffy hat." Peter told the group jokingly. "Hurry up! Come on!" Mr. Beaver then shouted. "He is getting a little bossy." Lucy thought.

This slightly confused Alastair until he tuned into his senses and heard it, the sound of bells on a sleigh. Quickly he grabbed Anastasia's hand, turned to the group and said "No it's the Witch right behind us!" Peter dropped Lucy and they all sprinted towards the other end of the woods.

"Hurry!" Peter yelled once they got to the woods. The beavers found a small opening in some rocks and ushered them in. "Inside! Dive! Dive!" Once they were all inside they quieted down and listened as the sound of the bells stopped right above where they were. The person stepped out of the sleigh which cause bits of snow to fall on them.

"Maybe she's gone." Lucy hesitantly said. "I suppose I'll go look." Peter said about to get up before the Beavers stopped him. "No! You're worth nothing to Narnia dead." Mr. Beaver said before going to look outside.

"Well, neither are you, Beaver." Mrs. Beaver said reaching out to him. "Thanks sweetheart." He replied before going out there. They waited a couple of agonizing seconds until suddenly his head popped up which startled Lucy and Anastasia as they screamed.

"Come out! Come out! I hope you've all been good 'cause there's someone here to see you!" He said happily. They all climbed out after him and once they looked up they were shocked.

"Merry christmas, sir." Lucy said smiling as she walked up to Father Christmas. "It certainly is, Lucy, since you have arrived." He replied. "Look, I've put up with a lot since we got here, but this..." Susan trailed off. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but me too Susan."

"We thought you were the witch." Alastair cut in. "Yes, yes, I'm sorry about that, but in my defense, I have been driving one of these longer than the Witch." Father Christmas responded smiling. "I thought there was no Christmas in Narnia." Susan said walking up next to Lucy.

"No. Not for a long time." He replied, "But the hope that you have brought, Your Majesties, is finally starting to weaken the Witch's power." Anastasia raised an eyebrow, but realized he's Father Christmas and knows everything about everyone.

"Still, I dare say you could do with these." He proceeded to take out his bag from the sleigh. "Presents!" Alastair and Lucy exclaimed. Anastasia gave a small smile in delight.

He went through and gave the Pevensie's their gifts. Lucy got fire-flower juice and a dagger, Susan got a horn and bow and arrows, and Peter got a sword and a shield with the crest of Aslan on both. He then turned to the Beauregard's and gestured for the both of them to get closer.

"Now you two might not be the most closest people out there. But your powers give everyone a sense of hope and protection." The two glanced at each other wondering how their life could've gotten that far.

"Now for you, Alastair, is this." He pulled out a sword which felt slightly heavy in his hands. "This sword will help you in all your needs and has magic that goes over all of Narnia and protects it. Which is why you're the protector of Narnia."

He then grabbed another pair of bow and arrows but they were a brown bow with golden arrows.

He handed them to Anastasia. "These are enchanted arrows and can only work if a powerful person uses them. Which is why you're the Phoenix." "What do you mean enchanted? and Phoenix?" "If you want them to create an explosion, they will, or a shield, they will, or even just normal arrows. They also reload themselves once you use up all of them so you won't have to worry."

"What about Phoenix?" "Oh, and Phoenix because of a myth that one of the most powerful forces in the universe went in the form of a Phoenix." Anastasia raised her eyes looking at the arrows. Alastair felt a small tinge of jealousy form through his stomach before pushing it away.

The two walked back to the Pevensie's and looked at Father Christmas with them.

"Now, I must be off. Winter is almost over, snd things do pile up when you've been gone a hundred years." Father Christmas said before picking up his bag and putting it in the sleigh. He turned towards the group and said "Long Live Aslan! and Merry Christmas!" He then rode away from all of them as the children were yelling "Merry Christmas!" back to him. "Told you he was real." Lucy said to Susan as the older girl didn't believe her.

"He said winter was almost over." Peter repeated. "You know what that means." Alastair spoke up. Everyone was quite until Anastasia spoke up. "Do you guys not know common sense? The Rivers going to melt!" The group immediately started running after the Beavers to the river.

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