𝟯𝟭. moment

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ooo.┊ # MOMENT ✧˖*°࿐
-ˋ 🤍 𝒐𝒓𝒑𝒉𝒊𝒄 — 𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗋𝗍𝗒-𝗈𝗇𝖾

"YOU WANNA MAKE SURE your stance is a little wider and your knees are bent comfortably." As soon as Peter had insinuated they didn't need Aslan for help, the Beauregard's turned tail and left the room.

They felt like they'd throw up staying in the room that reminded them all about their past and how they couldn't help. So, there they were. Alastair helping Anastasia get better at sword fighting, because she couldn't always use her bow and arrow.

"Okay. I got it." Anastasia mumbled before continuing to spar with Alastair. It was clear the girl wasn't feeling it as her hits and form were sloppy. "Maybe we should just take a break." Alastair mumbled.

She sighed before sitting on the floor. "What are you so worked up about?" Alastair sat in front of her, watching as she tried to distract herself.

"Just the fact that we weren't here to save or protect the Narnians. Maybe if we were here none of this would've happened." "Yeah...I feel like that too." "It just feels like another Grace situation all over again."

Alastair pursed his lips and sighed. "It feels that way, but this time we have the power to do something to help them. I've been doing my part. The question is, are you going to?"

Anastasia glanced up at him and sighed before looking back to the grass.

Anastasia was walking around the Howe a little while later. While she was looking around a couple of kids ran by and she nearly tripped and fell. 'I hate children' "Oh sorry, miss!" She looked down and saw that a bunny was talking to her. Her heart just about melted right there.

She had grey fur, was fluffy, and her eyes looked like a puppies. 'Okay maybe not this kid.' "It's alright. What's your name?" "Thumper!" "Aren't you just the cutest thing?" She bent down and pet her fur before standing back up.

"Well, you should go back and do...whatever it is children do." "Okay! See you later, Ma'am!" Thumper and a squirrel ran off together with Anastasia staring after them.

"That was cute." She blinked and turned around seeing Edmund standing by the wall. "Seeing you with the kids." He elaborated once she put on a confused expression.

The boy knew Anastasia did not like children as much as the next person. But, again, she has a soft spot for animals.

"Whatever." She sighed walking over to him. The girl wrapped her arms around his torso tightly before laying her head on his chest. "Are you going to let go anytime soon?" He asked after a couple of minutes. The girl shook her head before looking up at him.

He pulled her arms off his torso and the two stared into each others eyes, as Edmund wrapped her arms around his neck and his hands went to her waist. "Why are you staring at me like that?" "You're just really beautiful."

Anastasia's cheeks flushed as she softly smiled at him. "Thanks." Was all she told him. He smiled back and placed his head on her shoulder.

Anastasia hugged him while rubbing his back and playing with his hair. "Do we have any rooms? Or are we just going to be sleeping on the floor?" "I'm not sure yet." Edmund's response was muffled. "Oh well."

He hummed before placing a kiss on her shoulder. Edmund bit his lip before taking a leap of faith and began kissing her neck. The girl smiled and kept playing with his hair.

"Are you okay?" He asked, meaning 'Do you want me to stop?'. "I feel perfect right now." 'I'm enjoying this.'

Edmund began leaving open mouthed kisses up and down the nape of her neck while she tilted her head to the side. Anastasia's breathing got heavier as he kept going - the boy slowly turning them around until she was against the wall. He started softly sucking on a spot and she bit her lip.

He pulled away once a small bruise had been formed and kissed it before moving his head up to hers. The two closed their eyes as their foreheads leaned against each others. Edmund's hands caressed her face and hers went up to his chest.

The two always had little moments like this when they were alone. Just being intimate and gentle with each other. Things they didn't want to do in front of others.

"Edmund!" "Anastasia!" Susan and Alastair's voices called down the hall. The two pulled away and Anastasia placed a kiss on Edmund's cheek before she walked towards the hallway. "What is it?"

"There was a telmarine spy and Peter wants to plan an invasion for tonight!"

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