𝟱𝟭. magician

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ooo.┊ # MAGICIAN ✧˖*°࿐
-ˋ ✨ 𝒐𝒓𝒑𝒉𝒊𝒄 — 𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖿𝗂𝖿𝗍𝗒-𝗈𝗇𝖾

        ANASTASIA WOKE UP TO a hand covering her mouth and her body being lifted up. She let out muffled yells and looked down seeing something invisible was carrying her away. She looked over and saw Lucy in the same position that she was.

        They were pushed through huge bushes before finally being dropped in a new place. Anastasia groaned as she landed on her wrist and sprained it. Because of this, Lucy quickly popped up and pulled out her dagger which got knocked out of her hands. She ran towards it but got knocked back towards Anastasia who kept her upright.

        "There is no escape." A gruff voice spoke, their position being indicated by their breath. "Well put." "Scary." More voices quietly told the first one. "What are you?" Lucy asked - completely scared out of her wits before Anastasia pulled her closer.

        "We are terrifying invisible beasts." "If you could see us." A voice sounded behind them. "You would be really intimidated." "I'm just going to assume you're not scary and just annoying." Anastasia stated and slowly stood up.

        "What do you want?" Lucy asked, still sitting on the ground. "You. You'll do what we ask." "If we don't?" Anastasia inquired. "Or death." Soon enough all the other invisible creatures started chanting 'death.'

        "I'd love that." Anastasia muttered. "We wouldn't be much use to you dead, would we?" Lucy asked after shaking her head at the older girl. The creatures stopped and quietly agreed. "Alright. Then we'll just kill your friends."

        Anastasia sneered and rolled her eyes at them. "What do you want?" "You will enter the house of the Oppressor." The voice spoke as they shoved Anastasia and Lucy forward - the girl still cradling her wrist.

        "What house?" Lucy tiredly asked. "This one." Suddenly a creak was heard and the view in front of them split into two as they saw a set of stairs and a big interior. "Ugh." Anastasia grumbled but walked in - Lucy trailing in a few seconds later.

        The two walked up the stairs as the door slammed shut behind them. "What're we even looking for?" Anastasia asked Lucy. "A book of incantations. It should be in one of these rooms." "Normal people call it a spell book, but..." Anastasia trailed off and shrugged.

        They kept walking and saw a room with a book on a small table in the middle. "Good luck." Anastasia patted Lucy's shoulder and went to walk away. "Where are you going?" "To be nosey. It's just a book. You'll be fine. Scream if you're not." Anastasia called over her shoulder before walking away.

        As she kept walking, she managed to find an open room. Well, she shoved the door and it opened up so she assumed it was previously open.

        She walked further in and saw a big mirror on the side of the room. Anastasia cautiously walked over and studied it. The words 'DESIRE' were carved at the top of the gold frame and Anastasia curiously looked over it.

        The girl shrugged and stood in front of it. It was just her staring back at herself for a moment, until the mirror suddenly rippled like when you throw a rock into water.

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