𝟰. joining the circus

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ooo.┊ # JOINING THE CIRCUS ✧˖*°࿐
-ˋ 🗡 𝒐𝒓𝒑𝒉𝒊𝒄 — 𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖿𝗈𝗎𝗋

        AFTER HOURS OF BEING on the train, the group got off at the last station, which wasn't really a station more like a platform.

        They all quickly picked up their things and ran down the platform once they saw a car heading their way thinking it was for them, but once it drove away their spirits were slightly crushed.

        Anastasia, however, knew that car wasn't for them as they were too big of a group. She calmly grabbed her bags and walked behind them.

        "Aww! I really thought we were all about to do our circus act with that tiny car!" She pouted sarcastically. Susan looked over at her glaring.

        "The professor knew we were coming." Susan said after a while. "Perhaps we've been incorrectly labeled." Edmund replied looking at his tag. "Maybe he went to get a bigger car." Ana mumbled under her breath.

        "Come on, hup!" They heard and turned to see a lady on a carriage coming their way. "Oh jeez. Maybe we should join the circus." Anastasia mumbled to the group. Peter softly nudged her so she could shut up, which she did begrudgingly.

        She stood there with the rest of the group waiting for the woman to stop. Once she did Peter, Susan, and Alastair looked at each other before Peter hesitantly asked "Mrs. Macready?" "I'm afraid so." came her reply.

        "Is this it then?" she asked confused, "haven't you brought anything else?" "No ma'am" answered Alastair, "It's just us." Lucy quickly nodded her head right after while Edmund and Anastasia stood there blankly.

        "Small favours." she replied. what's that supposed to mean? Ana thought but knew better than to say it out loud. They all then moved their bags into the carriage before going on.

        Edmund turned and helped Anastasia up, "Thanks" "You're welcome" he said quietly. Ana then put her stuff under them before sitting. Her shoulder was pressed against Edmunds and their hands ended up touching.

        Edmund looked down at their hands before slowly putting his pinky on hers. When she didn't move, he smiled a little and went back to his thoughts.

        Anastasia felt a small blush coming onto her face before deciding to ignore it and leave their hands alone. Once every one was safely on Mrs. MacReady started their way to their home for the next couple of weeks.

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