𝟮. late

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ooo.┊ # LATE ✧˖*°࿐
-ˋ 🗡 𝒐𝒓𝒑𝒉𝒊𝒄 — 𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗍𝗐𝗈

        WHEN MORNING CAME, the family quickly got up and checked to make sure everything was safe before getting into their house. Knickknacks and papers were knocked over along with some photos from the walls. Carefully walking through, the siblings each went into their respective rooms.

        As soon as Anastasia walked into her room she took out a medium sized suitcase, a smaller one, and a bag with things she would use while on the train. As graceful and quickly as she could she took out about 2 weeks worth of outfits and undergarments, thinking if she ran out she could just wash them.

        She got at least 3 pairs of shoes before grabbing a bag full of feminine products and putting in her toothbrush and toothpaste. Once she was done with that, she stepped back and took a deep breath while looking at her room wondering when she would be here again.

        Suddenly a granola bar was thrown at her. "Wake up, Sleeping Beauty!" She rolled her eyes at Alastair before saying, "Shouldn't you be packing too! Or are you just going to reuse the same clothes for the next month." This time it was Alastair who rolled his eyes.

        "That's what I'm going to start doing, Carissa." "Well you better hurry up Claes. I don't think the girls on the train would appreciate your body odor...and bad breath." He scoffed before finally leaving her, grumbling under his breath about not smelling.

        Going back to her packing, the petite girl took out the small sized suitcase and filled it carefully with some paints and small canvases along with extra things. Once she did that she got her travel sized bag before putting sketching pencils and snacks in there.

        Finally, finishing she quickly got changed into a comfortable dress and shoes with a coat before trying to get her bags out of her room.

        "Ana! Hurry up! We don't have all day!" her father yelled. "I'm going!" She yelled back trying to pick up all the bags at once. "Well well well. What do we have here." she, yet again, heard her brothers voice from the doorway watching her while eating a peach.

        "Oh shut up!" "Anastasia! Hurry up!" her mother yelled this time. The girl was finally able to get her luggage and went out to the living room.

        "Finally. Next time be quicker, Anastasia. We're almost late because we had to wait for you." Her mother scolded. "We're not even late! And it was too heavy for me to pull out and Alastair wouldn't help! But I got it down no thanks to either one of you!" Atlas and Alastair stayed silent watching the girls argue.

        "Maybe you should be more like Alastair." Their mother stated. "Bella-" Atlas started before Anastasia interrupted him. "No. It's fine. Maybe I should be more like the golden child, but I would rather not spend my time kissing up to you. Let's go before we're actually late."

        With that said everyone quietly went out into the car and left for the station.

        Edmund Pevensie was upset, and that was an understatement. He doesn't want to leave he wants to stay at home.

        "If dad were here he wouldn't make us go." he grumbled out. "If dad were here the war would be over and we wouldn't have to go." his older brother, Peter, snapped at him. Why couldn't Edmund just not complain for once?

        Edmund just rolled his eyes at him, the only good thing coming out of this was that he would get to spend more time with Anastasia.

        "You will listen to your brother won't you Edmund?" his mother's voice brought him back into reality before he nodded slightly still looking around.

        As she leaned in to kiss his cheek he leaned back still upset. She then settled for kissing his head instead and letting him go to fuss over his other siblings, which he blocked out.

        Just as he and his siblings were going to turn to leave they heard a voice, "Helen!" Quickly, they all turned around and caught sight of Belladonna Beauregard, with Alastair right behind her. He could see Anastasia silently walking behind them giving both of them a small glare.

        "Oh thank goodness you made it in time, we were getting worried." His mother replied, giving each of them a hug in greeting before pulling away. "Okay well it's time for them to go before they miss the train." Atlas Beauregard, the siblings father, stated. They said their goodbyes, before the siblings turned to the Pevensie's.

        "Lets go. We can all catch up on the train." Alastair stated before all of them quickly went to leave. As all of this was going on Edmunds face broke out into a small unnoticeable smile as he stared at the brown-haired beauty.

         The girl felt eyes on her and turned. She made eye contact with Edmund before giving him a tight smile.

         Finally, they all got onto the train after being held up by Peter who was distracted. They all kept looking as they finally found an empty carriage before putting their bags away. Edmund, being as prideful as he is, refused Peter and Alastair's help and instead put his luggage up himself.

        Anastasia was having some trouble before Edmund came over to try and help her. "Be careful with that one!" she exclaimed. "Why?" Edmund asked confused as to why she was yelling at him when he hadn't done anything yet.

        "Because it has my art supplies in there!" "Aw how adorable. Can I be your muse?" she ended up pushing his head away from hers and put the luggage away.

        Once inside the carriage Edmund grabbed Ana's wrist and dragged her to sit next to him by the window. The girl knew not to complain knowing it would fall on deaf ears. She looked at the other side and saw Peter and Alastair giving her a look.

        She simply glared at them before sitting down and taking out her sketchbook. Edmund had taken to brooding and Susan, who sat next to her, started reading, and Lucy sat with the older boys.

        The train then went forward and they were off away from their homes to a completely unfamiliar place.

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