𝟭𝟲. siblings again

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ooo.┊ # SIBLINGS AGAIN ✧˖*°࿐
-ˋ 🗡 𝒐𝒓𝒑𝒉𝒊𝒄 - 𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗌𝗂𝗑𝗍𝖾𝖾𝗇

ANASTASIA WAS BOOKING IT towards the creek with Peter close behind her. When they got there they saw Susan and Lucy in a tree trying to get away from the two wolves. "Get back!" Peter yelled at them as he unsheathed his sword. "Peter! Ana!" Lucy yelled.

The two stood side by side with their swords pointed at the wolves as they slowly started to circle them. "Come on!" Maugrim yelled. "We've already been through this before. We both know you haven't got it in you!" He kept taunting Peter as the other wolves kept circling them which led to Peter and Ana standing back to back.

Suddenly, Aslan and Alastair came and the lion stood on the wolf to the side of the two. Just as Oreius was about to attack, Aslan stopped him. "No. Stay your weapons. This is Peter and Anastasia's battle."

"You may think you're a King, but you're going to die like a dog!" Maugrim then yelled lunging towards Peter as the other wolf lunged at Anastasia. The girl took the arrow she had in her hand and plunged it into the wolf's body.

"Peter!" Lucy yelled. The girls quickly jumped down from the tree and pushed Maugrims body off of Peter and brought him into a hug.

Anastasia looked over at the edge of the creek and Alastair gave her a small smile and a nod. She decided now wasn't the time to be arguing, so she returned the gesture as well.

'baby steps. at least we're getting somewhere.' alastair thought.

Aslan then let go of the wolf he was on, "After him." he ordered his troops. "He'll lead you to Edmund." Oreius and his squad quickly followed after the wolf leaving the humans and Aslan behind.

'i hope he's okay...not that i should care or anything.' anastasia thought. Though at this point she knew she definitely did care about everyone despite her attempts not to.

"Peter." Aslan called, "Clean your sword." Once the boy did that he stabbed the sword in the ground and kneeled down in front of Aslan.

"Rise, Sir Peter Wolf's-Bane, Knight of Narnia." Peter looked back at his sisters who looked at him happily, he then looked forward towards the Beauregard's.

Alastair gave him a smile and a thumbs up while Anastasia gave him a nod.

Aslan then turned to Alastair "Kneel." The boy quickly did so. Aslan put his paw on him like he did Peter before saying, "Rise, Sir Alastair, the Protector of the people."

Once he got up Alastair looked around before catching Anastasia's eye. The girl's face had been relatively neutral, though there was a faint smile. Her eyes however had traces of proudness.

That meant a lot to him more than anyone would think.

A couple of hours after, Anastasia sat in a meadow she found at the camp. She was just trying to enjoy the sun and think of how everything she knew changed within a day.

How they found a secret world that technically shouldn't be possible. But hey, who is she to judge, her powers shouldn't be possible either, but here they are.

She was also thinking about how everything she knew about herself was changing. She just didn't know if it was good or bad.

The girl used to be closed off, bland, cared about only herself, and some might say intimidating. Though that was probably because she did punch a couple of guys in the face once just for looking at her the wrong way. On the inside however, she was just scared, lonely, and hurt.

She was scared she would either hurt someone with her powers or she just wasn't good enough to save them. The people she cared about tended to leave her or hurt her in some way.

First it was Grace, then her mother, then Alastair, then a couple of kids in America who she thought were her friends but really they were toxic and brought her down, and finally Edmund.

God, Edmund must have been one of the worst ones to deal with on that list next to Grace. She thought they might've finally gotten somewhere in their 'friendship', especially after how the two acted, but then he went and threw one of her biggest insecurities in her face.

Though in his defense he didn't exactly know. No one really knew anything about her. Except maybe Alastair.

She heard footsteps and turned seeing exactly who she just thought of. 'i'm really not looking forward to this.' She knew Alastair wanted to finish their 'talk'.

The two sat in a small awkward silence. "With as much politeness as I can muster. What do you want?" She asked wanting to get this over with. Alastair sat in silence for a little longer before finally speaking up.

"I'm sorry." That simple sentence was enough to strike a chord in her heart. One she thought she lost. "What?"

"For the way I treated you growing up. I abandoned you and left you alone. As if that wasn't bad enough I was always rude to you." Alastair told her thinking about how he used to be. Over time he saw how his actions were extremely wrong and was overcome with immense guilt.

She sat in stunned silence before speaking up barely over a whisper. "Why did you treat me that way?" "I guess..I was just...jealous." Alastair revealed. "What?" He turned and looked at her.

"Even though you're younger..you've always been the better sibling. You always got good grades, have good looks, made a lot of friends, and not only that you're extremely powerful. I mean you changed a rock into a flower when you were 6. I was just upset that you always seemed to be better at everything and I could barely lift a cup with my telekinesis. I guess I just...wanted to be better than you at something for once. I obviously went about it the wrong way."

Anastasia sat there with small tears in her eyes. "You are good at things, Alastair. You're one of the strongest people alive, you're proving to be an amazing sword fighter, you're one of the nicest and most caring people ever, you put others needs above your own to make them feel better....you're everything that I've ever wanted to be."

The siblings embraced each other and cried. At that moment, Anastasia could care less about what was around. All she ever wanted was her brother back and now they could finally be siblings again. They obviously had things to work on, but Anastasia was willing to forgive him for what happened. She knew what it was like to let your emotions control your actions.

Alastair promised to himself that he would never let anything come between them again. Even if the time came for them to go back to their own world, he wanted to do things differently this time. He wants to help her find herself again.

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