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ooo.┊ # SOLD ✧˖*°࿐
-ˋ 🦋 𝒐𝒓𝒑𝒉𝒊𝒄 — 𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖿𝗈𝗎𝗋𝗍𝗒-𝖾𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍

        THE NEXT MORNING, Anastasia was wide awake a couple of hours after the sun came out. She simply sat and watched everything going on around her. She could get out on her own, but what's the fun in that. Besides, this way she'll be able to gather as much information as possible.

        "Stop! No!" A woman's voice yelled. They all looked over and saw a carriage being pulled with a man and a girl chasing after it. "Elaine!" The man yelled. "Mummy!"

        The man finally caught up and grabbed onto her. The man in the back went to pull him off but he pushed him away. Just as the couple touched hands the trader pulled the man off and punched him in the face sending him to the ground. "Stay with daddy!" The woman yelled out to her daughter.

        Anastasia narrowed her eyes at the sight. "Don't worry! I'll find you!" The man yelled. The woman kept getting dragged away as Lucy turned her head away. Anastasia kept watching until they got out of sight. She thought before remembering something Howard and Erskine told her about her powers.

        She closed her eyes and was able to use her powers to see what was happening to the lady. The people in the cart were forced into a boat and pushed through the water. A storm cloud came in with green mist following it. 'Oh no.' Anastasia thought remembering what the mist was and what it did to your mind.

        She stopped spying already knowing what they're doing. "Sacrifices." "What?" "Nothing. Don't worry about it."

        "I bid 60!" "I bid 80!" The three kids were sent to be sold off along with a few other people. Lucy had been the one going up and next after that was Eustace. This gave Anastasia enough time to figure out her plan.

'Okay. I think the man in charge is the one on the throne. So if I break the chains and grab him then we'll be good to go.'

        "100 for the little lady!" Anastasia scowled knowing what these men would want to do to Lucy. She hated men. Well, she hated a lot of people, but men specifically just irked her. The only ones she could handle were Alastair, Ed, Peter, Caspian, Howard and like two more.

        "120!" "150!" "Any more bids? Sold!" As the man paid the one with Lucy tossed her off to the side before grabbing Eustace.

        "And now. For this..fine specimen. Who'll start off the bidding?" Everyone was quiet as they started at him making Anastasia stifle a laugh. "Come on now! He may not look like much but he's strong." "He's strong alright. Smells like the rear end of a minotaur!" The men started laughing. "Come on! Someone make a bid!"

        "You must be smelling yourself if it smells like a minotaur around here!" Anastasia spoke up while walking forwards. "And what is a little thing like you going to do exactly?" The men laughed at her. "Good question." She lifted up her hands and threw them out breaking off the chains.

        She lifted up a hand making the guy on the throne go flying towards her. She kicked him between the legs and the back of the knees. The man who was holding Eustace went to grab her before the threw him off the platform.

        "I think this biddding is over." She stated grabbing the man who was on his knees by the neck and lighting her other hand with fire. A bunch of people took off their cloaks revealing the crew. Quickly they all went to battle as she pushed the man away and watched them.

        As they were all fighting she noticed Eustace leaving. This wouldn't have bothered her, mainly because she knew he couldn't even pick up the oars, if it wasn't for the fact that the man who was on the throne started following him.

        She quickly and agilely ran across the courtyard, sometimes kicking off of some people and stepping on their heads. She used her powers to jump up and run across the roof tops.

        She got there just in time to see the man sneaking up on Eustace. She quietly jumped off and used light steps to sneak up on them. Just as he was a few feet away she leaped over, grabbed his shoulders and twisted him around. She landed on her feet while the man ended up knocked over.

        Eustace had the oar in his hands and turned nearly knocking over Anastasia if she hadn't jumped. "Stop that!" She demanded before grabbing pieces of rope and tying his hands behind his back.

        "Sorry, warden." She tightened a rope to his mouth. "You're my prisoner now." She tied his feet just in case and left him on the side waiting for the rest to come. She saw a man running by going to a cave at the end of the dock. "Strange."

        A couple of minutes later, she heard a bunch of cheering and saw the crew walking up to the boats. She had been watching the man and making sure Eustace didn't do anything else to get them in danger.

        "Hey! You!" She pointed to someone. The person looked towards her and nodded. "Take this man to the dungeons. And leave him like this." She shoved the trade leader to the person who nodded and had a couple of people help him.

        "Anastasia!" She turned and saw Edmund running towards her. She smiled once he scooped her up. "Don't worry! I-" "You had a plan. I think know by now!" Edmund chuckled.

        Anastasia giggled letting him twirl them around.

        "My King! My King!" The two pulled away and saw the man from earlier walking with something in his hands. Edmund grabbed Anastasia by the waist and led them to Caspian.

        Once they got there, Anastasia immediately knew what the sword was. "This was given to me by your father. I hid it safely in a cave all these years." "That's an old Narnian sword." Edmund observed.

        The Lord looked at him and noticed Anastasia. "It's from your Golden Age. There are seven such swords. Given to the Protector and the Phoenix from Aslan. To protect Narnia." The group looked at Anastasia who was just staring at the sword. Things slowly started piecing themselves together in her mind.

        "Your father entrusted them to us. Here take it." He handed the sword to Caspian. He hesitated before taking the sword. The crown cheered as they all turned away. Caspian held out the sword to Anastasia. "Here. Technically, this is rightfully yours."

        The girl examined it before taking it from his hands. "Thanks." Caspian nodded and walked away. Anastasia noticed Edmund staring at the sword. She turned it a couple of times before sighing. "Use it." She held it out to the boy.

        He slowly took it before smiling. "Thanks!" She nodded before going to sit in her boat again. "Um..Can I go with you this time?"

        She turned around and looked at him. "I don't know. You sure you can handle it?" Edmund scoffs and walked up to her. "Yes. I'm pretty sure I can handle you." Anastasia smiled and leaned closer - his breath hitching as their lips brushed when she whispered. "That wasn't what I asked, but good answer."

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