𝟱𝟵. last time

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ooo.┊ # LAST TIME ✧˖*°࿐
-ˋ ✨ 𝒐𝒓𝒑𝒉𝒊𝒄 — 𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖿𝗂𝖿𝗍𝗒-𝗇𝗂𝗇𝖾

        SUN SHONE THROUGH THE sky as the mist was gone due to the protection of the swords. Anastasia stood up and walked towards the edge of the ship seeing all the people that were sacrificed show up again.

        Gael and her dad jumped into the water and swam after her mother. Anastasia bit her lip at the sight before she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned and saw Caspian giving her a smile. She smiled back and leaned into him as he hugged her.

        The two walked over to Edmund and Lucy. "We did it. I knew we would." Lucy said. "It wasn't just us." Edmund told them. "You mean-" "Hey! Hey!" A voice interrupted Caspian.

        "I'm down here! Lucy! Over here! Lucy!" They went over to the other side of the ship and saw Eustace in the water. "I'm in the water!" "Eustace!" "I'm a boy again!" "Yes. I think we get it, pinocchio."

        "I'm a boy!" "Eustace! I see your wings have been clipped!" Reepicheep cheered and jumped in with him. Anastasia giggled at the two of them. Edmund pulled her towards him and pressed a soft kiss on her lips. She pulled away and laid her head on his shoulder.

        "You know. I wouldn't mind getting married after all." "Really?" Edmund smiled down at her. She nodded in response. "And kids?" "Maybe." She confessed.

        "It's sweet!" Reepicheep yelled when he tasted the water. "Look! Look!" "Aslan's country." Caspian said when they all looked over to the water. "We must be close." "Well we've come this far." Edmund stated.

        Edmund, Caspian, Lucy, Eustace, Reepicheep, and Anastasia got into a boat and rowed towards Aslan's country.

        "So what was it like? When Aslan changed you back?" Edmund asked Eustace. "No matter how hard I tried. I couldn't do it myself. Then he came towards me. It sort of hurt, but it was a good pain. Like when you pull a thorn from your foot. Being a dragon wasn't all bad. I mean I think I was abetter dragon than I was a boy really. I'm so sorry for being such a sop." Eustace told them.

        "It's alright, Eustace. I mean you were a pretty good dragon." Edmund told him. Anastasia smiled and reached down to grab a flower. She was sitting behind Edmund and Caspian with Reepicheep next to her looking around.

        "My friends. We have arrived." They all looked up and saw a wall of water. The group got to shore and carefully climbed out. Edmund picked Anastasia up before setting her down and grabbing her hand.

        They walked towards the all and Aslan came up behind them. "Aslan." Eustace stated once he saw him. "Welcome, children. You have done well. Very well indeed. You have come far. And now your journey is at its end." Anastasia had feeling those words had two meanings. She just wasn't sure if she was ready.

        "Is this your country?" Lucy asked. "No. My country lies beyond." "Is my father in your country?" Caspian asked. "You can only find that out for yourself. But you should know that if you continue. There is no return."

        Caspian went up and touched the water before turning around with tears in his eyes. "You're not going?" Edmund asked. "I can't imagine my father would be very proud that I gave up what he died for. I've spent too long wanting what was taken from me and not what was given. I was given a Kingdom. People." Caspian turned to Aslan. "I promise to be a better King." "You already are."

        "Children." Aslan turned to them. Edmund and Anastasia shared a look before the girl placed her head on the back of his shoulder and wrapped her arms around one of his. "I think perhaps it's time we went home actually, Lu." "But I thought you loved it here." "I do. But I love home. And our family as well. They need us."

        Reepicheep walked up to Aslan. "Your Eminence. Ever since I can remember I have dreamt of seeing your country. I've had many great adventures in this world, but nothing has dampened that yearning. I know I am hardly worthy, but I would lay down my sword for the joy of seeing your country with my own eyes."

        "My country was made for noble hearts, such as yours. No matter how small the bearers be." "Your Majesty." "No one could be more deserving." Caspian spoke up. "Well-"

        "It's true." Edmund spoke up. "You're one of most noble and mighty warriors Narnia has ever seen." Anastasia told him. The two bowed to Reepicheep who bowed back. Lucy went up to say her goodbyes and Anastasia turned to Edmund.

        The boy brushed her hair out of her face and wiped the stray tears. "It's alright, my love. We'll be back one day." Anastasia sighed and nodded before looking ahead again. Reepicheep had run up to a small boat and stuck his sword in the sand. They watched him row all the way up until he disappeared from over the top.

        "This is our last time here isn't it?" Lucy asked Aslan. "Yes. You have grown up, my dear one. Just like Peter, Susan, and Alastair." "Will you visit us in our world?" "I shall be watching you always." "How?" "In your world I have another name. You must learn to know me by it. That was the very reason you were brought to Narnia. That by knowing me here for a little, you may know me better there." "Will we meet again?" "Yes, dear one. One day."

        Aslan turned and roared. The water split into a tunnel and they walked up to Caspian. "You're the closest thing I have to family. That includes you, Eustace." Caspian clapped a hand on the boys shoulder. "Thank you." While Edmund and Caspian hugged Anastasia turned and hugged Aslan.

        She pulled away crying and went to hug Caspian. After Lucy let go she jumped into his arms. "I'll miss you." "I'll miss you too. You're the sister I always wanted." "You're the brother I always wanted as well. Make sure to leave mine and Alastair's things at Aslan's Table please." "Of course."

        She pulled away and walked towards the tunnel. Edmund wrapped his arms around her and let her cry into his chest. After Eustace spoke with Aslan the four turned and began walking into the tunnel.

        They turned back around and saw Caspian and Aslan before the tunnel closed up.

        Anastasia immediately started swimming around as her surrounding changed. The water slowly got lower and she was back in her bathroom completely dry. She looked into the mirror and sadly smiled at herself.

        One day she'd make it back to Narnia. And see everyone she once knew. From Mr. Tumnus and the Beavers to Trumpkin and Reepicheep to Caspian. She'd just have to wait. But right now she's going to live her life to the fullest and have no regrets while doing so.

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